She raced to the store and did what he asked. YesI get that maybe Jeff was more appropriate for CAMH and eventually would have been assessed and transferred therebut you dont admit everyone to a hospital, who is exhibiting unusual behaviour. What ingredients contribute to a true donkmaster? Given that we live in a free country and someone charged with a criminal offence in this country deserves their day in court we at least owe it to those who have not been convicted of an offence and trust me some of whom have done nothing wrong to make sure that they are not beaten to death over a bag of chips while awaiting trial. There are no incentives, says Almeida. Slow or fast, flashy or plain, racy or floaty, its all good. So she paid. oh please to some of you bleeding hearts out there JEFF was sick he couldnt help himself no he didnt deserve what those lowest of lowlifes did to him unless you have had an experience where this has happened to your family member then Id say dont judge my son was murdered his killer only got 3yrs in prison when it comes to Justice I say our courts and jails are corrupt and our politicians as well and Canada I have lost all my respect for this so called country we live in I AM AN ASHAMED CANADIAN BOOOOOOOOOOO~. He disputed her assertion that she complained about extortion at the prison. Others swear that when the rear end of a Chevy is raised up and bouncing, it reminds them of the pack animal. The jail has been denounced so many times that the criticisms have lost their sting. Quoting the dictionarys literal definition of a dungeon, or alluding to the Don Jail as the antithesis of a Disneyland environment greatly misses the point of this piece. 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Yesthe Don Jail is a prisonit may be darkand some of the cells may be undergroundin which case it could be referred to as a dungeon. Winston Churchill once said that the mood and temper of the public in regard to the treatment of crime and criminals is one of the most unfailing tests of the civilization of any country. In Canada, the past decades have seen a hardening of public opinion against prisoners. NOW that all being said the kid died cause he took somones chips. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Even once the training program begins producing officers, however, its hard to find people willing to work at a place with the Dons reputation. I agree again that prison is meant for punishment, however if we are going to house hardended criminals anyway then we have to take a look at the conditions. Mental health is a tough avenue, but until we have a place that holds a person responsible in a way that relates to their mental illness..this is what we have. So then, let's build one. Crystal Robbescheuten, a correctional officer, was working the day Jeff died. Good for the Munros for taking a stand and making this public knowledge. It began: "The mission of the South Carolina Department of Corrections is: Safety we will protect the public, our employees, and our inmates.". The original Don Jail was designed as a modern institution built on advanced ideas about punitive justice. We promise not to use your email address for anything but exclusive updates from the Power Automedia Network. The group cordoned off part of the street and set up a drag strip. Come on, it is a press of a button. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. I really just worry about the person that gets put into this setting and is not supposed to be there (ie wrongly accused person ect). Before Jeff left, Christine remembers walking into the family room in the basement and finding him on the couch, clutching the toys with tears in his eyes. In 1977, the old Don was closed. Believe me there are ways to easily prevent it, instead of having the guards sit away from the range they could sit in a caged off area totally safe where he can see and hear what is going on in the range and then would be able to stop murders from happening. why did donkmaster go to jail for 6 months Build your own custom newsletter with the content you love from Dragzine, directly to your inbox, absolutely FREE! The prison is a cement box, the floor, walls and steel bars all painted a neutral white caked with grime. Is this how we rehabilitate the delinquent? We will safeguard your e-mail and only send content you request. In 2018, Donkmaster was sent to prison for seven months. We paid for Karla to get a University degree in our prison system, no doubt that made her a wonderful human being that youd trust to teach sex-ed. He races '70s Caprice donks against two modern Corvettes, and faces local champ Hensley with his '87 Box Chevy. New solutions are always just around the corner. This article first appeared in the March 6 issue of Autoweek magazine. There were no cameras supposedly so nothing was seen. First we need to find a car. Now, her son's choices were clear: join the gang, pay the extortion money or die. When your locked up u have NOTHING, soo anything that is yours like a bag of chips and whatnot are your prized possesion and u dont let anybody take that away. Be wary of a good story because sometimes thats all it is!! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. When I started traveling around to car shows with the skittle pack (various race cars built by In and Out Customs, traveling city-to-city, state-to-state on our 18-wheeler 5-car hauler), the reaction of all of my fans as we would pull up to each city gave me the confidence to keep it going and push forward. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); DONKMASTER on Talks about going to prison for Trafficking Marijuana over 100lb's also White Guy's starting to race Donk! @ EVERYONE except Gina. came to live in canada 1963 spent two short visits to both the new and old don finely spending 18 mths in guelph correctional institution had a great time fond memories would love to pay aa visit but got deported back to uk in 1966. hey gina i was at this shit hole 4 yrs ago not for rape, murder or beating anybody. The Munro family speaks about where there son should have been put when he was picked up.and with no disrespect meant. Give me a break! (Part 10), Tay Money on 1st BIG CHECK I was Scared to Death! If everybody just abided by the laws we wouldnt even be having this discussion! #Prison Its pretty simple: the jail doesnt meet any of the safety, sanitary or human rights standards which our prisons do (or are supposed to). The Don Jail is a rare case of a public institution with no defendersnot the ministry that runs it, not the people who work there. Officers arrested 31 people for obstructing the roadway. At Jeffs funeral, Christine gasped when she saw her 31-year-old son in his casket. Sadly too few people are heartless Rather most are inane bleeding hearts, who in fact are the root of the broader victimization of many by the few. I am shocked to hear that in a country like our country, where every one in the world is dreaming to come in live in it, we have a jail that looks like old ages jails. However, while it may help them gain fans, they might just find themselves losing their licenses in the process. assault court crime Downtown Drugs EMS Features Gardiner Expressway History human rights Law Media Ontario OPP Police policy prison public service safety security society Toronto Trials violence, Most Torontonians have become inured to the fact that their citys primary jail is a dungeon.. 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The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". AP Photo/Sean Rayford, Evans Correctional Institution is located in Bennetsville, S.C. File/Tonya Brown/WPDE. The Z06 Donk can outrun a Z06 Corvette, according to Thomas. Yes it is over crowded and at times under staffed but unless you have been there personally yourself, which conveniently all those who condemn it havent, please refrain from using your imagination. u will be happy to know it is no disneyland as u say. Looking entirely out-of-place on this drag strip is a 1971 Caprice convertible on donks. Please dont assume that because you read something in print that all the facts are correct. What is in the best interest of the people who are NOT going to jail and how do we best help those who need it to prevent overcrowded jail situations. Although these are criminals they still have rights. When Christine saw the officers on her front porch, however, her thoughts immediately jumped to her eldest child. Why do you think its taken so long for it to be celebrated and showcased on mainstream television? Racers Almost Lost Their Licenses Because Of The Show Obviously, appearing on the show can give racers a boost in visibility. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. His death, while tragic is probably not an unusual occurrance in the prison system in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North Americahellthe world. #Donkmaster #Prison Racers who came to Cordova International Raceway for the Racing On Rucci event were trying to pick up the $5,000 purse on the line, so they all had their cars set on kill. Theyre essentially saying any responsibility for Jeffs death lies with the jail and with his murderers. A vinyl banner on the surrounding chain-link fence introduced the site to passersby: Toronto South Detention Centre Modern, state-of-the-art Built to the highest technology and security standards.. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Whatever helps you sleep better at night. Pressed up against the grey stone of the old Don Jail, which closed more than 30 years ago, the current facility, built in 1958, is a drab, anonymous building. 3.Going to Prison for Trafficking Marijuana over 100lb's & White guys Author: Post date: 23 yesterday Rating: 4 (463 reviews) Highest rating: 4 Low rated: 3 Summary: Admittedly, Ive never been to the Don or any other jail for that matter. In 2015, the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) threatened drivers with Matching search results: There are few things the average man takes as much pride in as his woman and his car. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 153 people were killed in 122 street racing crashes between 2001 and 2010. Correctional officers dread working there because of the smell and the noise. Were guessing your first question is, What the heck is a donk? Let us explain. Nobody goes to jail for no reason. By the age of 24, he had developed an addiction to crystal meth, quit his job as a professional dancer for an American cruise line, and started moving from city to city. I think someone needs to review the system again and see where the train went off the tracks, Human beings dignity is guaranteed by the constitution of this country. Often times being peope from poor, marginalized and oppresed communities? The Dons guards have one of the highest sick rates of any correctional officers in the province, not just because of the unhealthy conditions, but also because they hate going to work. Read moreYouth minister used his position to take advantage of young girls, documents allege, While 12 jurors decided they were convinced of Murdaughs responsibility for the killings, the six-week trial did more to sketch the outlines of what happened on June 7, 2021, than it did to answer how and why it did. 3. With Donkmaster in prison, everyone wants to be the new king of donk racing. dosent toronto have hospitals. Its a poor, poor environment. Some days, there arent enough officers to run the prisons most basic programs. (In reality, prisoners can be locked up for months.) Other humans did. Stop using it as a place to stick the homeless and mentally ill when you have no place else to stick them. A recent report by John Howard showed that one in five prisoners going into Toronto jails is homeless. We live in Canada, we do not live in a third world country. He needed money. Youre right to say that jail shouldnt be Disneyland, but it also shouldnt be a cramped and neglected facility that leaves prisoners devoid of their dignity. You've seen the hit TV series on Vice and heard about one of the fastest growing trends in performanceDonk drag racing! "Don't tell them this crap is going on. Winner will also get the stock wheels! I may be a little more apt to defend the Munro family as I am friends with the family but with that said Gina, I woul dlove for you to spent 12 hours in an environment where urine is freely flowing under doors. He said he had fully expected to die like that while at Evans. The trend began in the 1990s in South Florida and has since fanned out across the country. Last May, the Munro family announced that they were suing the jail, the Toronto police, and the alleged murderers for the wrongful death of Jeff Munro. Is it hard to pull his record out of the archives? Yes these people are prisoners and yes they are there for a reason. He was known to police, but in the past theyd usually delivered him to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. He was the driver of the getaway car. MPD towed away the racing vehicles. She maintained he was supposed to be in a low-security prison. An inmate will come up and say, Can I get my cell opened? And Ill say, No, absolutely not, Robbescheuten explained. Topics: The jail is also overrun with mice, cockroaches and a generous variety of infectious diseases. Hoping to connect with car lovers everywhere, Vice TV is tapping in on . Why dont you take some time and read the article a little slower before posting another comment. Christine had been dreading the moment for years. Why was Jeff Munro, with his history of mental illness, placed in the Don? Over her 13 years at the institution as a CO and now acting president of Local 530, she has become intimately acquainted with the way the Don works. Corrections spokesman Jeffrey Taillon said the inmate's transfer from a low- to medium-security prison was appropriate because he had been caught with tobacco-related contraband. The family is represented by Barry Swadron, a defence lawyer and an expert on mental health issues who helped draft the 1967 Mental Health Act. The police usually recommend a psychiatric assessment of incoming prisoners. She was also given two years of supervised release, and a fine of $40,0000 . I had to update him o. This story represents a failure in our city to adequately deal with Torontos mentally ill population. Ed Bell is a Georgetown-based attorney who has filed multiple mass tort lawsuits against the Corrections Department on behalf of inmates who allege that understaffing, poor training and inadequate supervision leaves them exposed to violence. Read moreAlex Murdaughs double murder trial leaves enduring mysteries, even after guilty verdict, Mable Clarke will host a one-day fish fry to raise funds the fix storm damage to the histoically Black Soapstone Baptist Church in Pickens. the stack seaburn menu. Our car experts choose every product we feature. It is a brick-and-mortar monument to civic and political indifference. #Donkmaster CLICK HERE for a slideshow of the arrested people. This one persons story is a way of relating how all these problems manifest themselves. April 5, 1993: Shakur spent 10 days in a Michigan prison for beating . Hey,Gina,guess what I was at the Don Jail this past 2010 Over the years, the old Don has been described as an overcrowded dungeon and an insult to humanity, and compared to the Black Hole of Calcutta. The woman's son landed in prison after he was arrested in connection with an armed hold-up shortly after his 19th birthday. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly prohibited. Nationally, individuals have been critically and even fatally injured due to this senseless behavior. Still others say its from the slang term for, ahem, a womans rear end. Christine cant count the number of times she was woken up by the phone in the middle of the nightsomeone from a hospital telling her that they had her mentally unstable son, or a panicked Jeff himself, warning her of outlandish plots and powerful people out to get him. He gets a thrill out of putting big wheels and big turbos on cars through his company In and Out Customs. So to those who feel as though the inmates are getting what they deserve, .. take a step back and think. When she told officials about the extortion, she said they advised her not to pay but took no further steps to end it. What this article leaves out is what happened to the scumbags who actually killed Mr. Munro, who they were and where they came from. She had to examine his hand and find the distinctive mole the two of them share before she could believe the body in front of her had once been her brother. the fact that the court system is so over crowded cases are being push back and back and even bail hearings are delayed. Well let you decide. One person was charged with having 14 grams of marijuana. He was arrested on Yonge near Davenport. Sage Thomas, also known as Donkmaster, was getting ready to square off against Turbo Joe in his G-Body during the event when things went terribly wrong: the 1971 Caprice driven by Thomas began to do its burnout when the stock harmonic balancer failed on the turbocharged engine, sending pieces flying into the crowd lining the burnout box. stop letting ur corupt cops put everybody in. The woman immediately sensed an unfamiliar tremor in her son's voice. A lot being said here, but my thoughts are this. Can anyone say dried-up curmudgeon? NO ONE deserves that even if they ARE guilty but especially not for his alleged misdemeanor crime. How do we want to treat our prisoners? Just punishment? He says that one of the reasons its difficult for COs to control prisoners in the Don is that theres no system of rewards or punishments. Charleston, SC 29403, News tips/online questions:, Delivery/subscription questions:, var html = new Date().getFullYear(); A country is defined by how it TREATS it prisoners. The rules are simple: the two officers sit at their desks, write their names at the top of a sheet, and keep track of how many times they say no in the course of a day. Its a standard ratio across Ontario jails, but they feel its insufficient at the volatile Don. Required fields are marked *. After a tour of the Dons segregation unit in 2009, NDP justice critic Peter Kormos reported seeing urine flowing out from underneath the door of a cell where a mentally ill patient howled ceaselessly. And he needed it fast. At least we can proudly say that correctional officers go home safe everyday and have always at the Don Jail which unfortunately is not so true of correctional officers working in jails around the world. You dont want something thats been sitting for years.. Clear skies. Because prisoners are, in theory, supposed to spend no more than a few weeks at the Don, there is little attempt to rehabilitate. Her son is still behind bars, and her family remains within the gang's long reach. 2023 Power Automedia. The condemnations go on and on. This was where Jeff Munro was placed. Spotify Podcast: Gangs allegedly operate from within the prison walls, and correctional officers have a hard time simply maintaining order. "Doing something like this is unacceptable, especially when it comes to putting people's lives at risk," Memphian Armstrong Wilson said. The Ministry doesnt see it that way. and theres a unit called tower four that deals with criminals with menal illness,I have seen How many of you posting to this link have ever done time in the don? And in the cramped maximum-security facility, there arent any privileges you can take away from a prisoner. We wish both individuals a speedy recovery after this terrifying incident. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Donkmaster was In and Out of jail in 2018 and served seven months July 11, 2022 Helen Williams Vice TV viewers are asking Why Donkmaster Sage went to jail. Female officers tend to avoid it, put off by the frequent sight of prisoners masturbating in their cells. My TWENTY year old son was mistakenly arrested last Sunday night when we were in Toronto for a family day weekend. This shows the Lee Correctional Institution on Monday in Bishopville. In solidarity with the Georgia Prison strike, the largest in US history happening RIGHT NOW but the media monopoly has chosen to WHITEOUT any coverage. In 2018, Donkmaster was sent to prison for seven months. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. A clean daily driver or a good foundation for you to build it how you would like it! MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) - More than two dozen people were arrested while drag racing on a public street. Jail should be punishment, it should be a place everyone fears to end up. Youll want something clean, (with) a good foundation, says Sage Thomas, aka Donkmaster, of In and Out Customs in Charleston, South Carolina. Its a characterization the Ministry vigorously disputes, but Eduardo Almeida, chair of the corrections section of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, believes it has a kernel of truth.
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