Its architecture was of the Corinthian order, quite lavish and imposing, with columns from three to four ft. in diameter and about thirty ft. high. His sermon should have given us some point, some excuse, or some logical explanation for it all. OS Supported: Windows 98SE, Windows Millenium, Windows XP (any edition), Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8 (32 & 64 Bit). This means that these miracles are especially meant to teach believers something. God told Jonah that it was not just all the people, but also so much livestock (Jonah 4:11). All these inescapable facts are so important to getting the right interpretation of Mark 5 and the other gospel records of the same event. Logically we understand that no person on Earth could say something in strong terms over and over, and then just one day say, Oops, can I retract that? So could or would God Almighty flip flop? WebAll three Synoptic Gospels ( Mark 5:120; Luke 8:2639; Matthew 8:2834) mention the swine miracle, although with variations. He also makes excursions into Gentile territory, such as when he exorcizes the Gerasene/Gadarene demoniac (Mark 5:1-20). Who were the gerasenes in the bible? 1. Demetrius wasnt afraid to stand up for his rights. The Son of God mercifully cast thousands of defiling demons out of a lost Jew and purposefully launched the legion killers into two thousand defiling swine. Anyway, it was the demons that would have decided where, and if, he slept. In course of time, as the Jews began more and more to pride themselves on their peculiar privileges, it acquired unpleasant associations, and was used as a term of contempt. We have it all down on paper exactly how gentle Gentiles can get when they get annoyed by a Jew. John 13:34 was the one single, solitary time that the Master told his disciples, I give you a new commandment. However, the commandment wasnt a new commandment. And because he said it one single, solitary time, and he didnt actually present anything new, we have clear proof that he didnt add anything to the Law and his joke underscores the fact that he didnt add (or delete) from the Law! It pains them to admit that Jesus was/is a, Sixth Fact: True identity of the pig farmers. Does he really believe Mark 5 is Biblical material, To be honest, all the bad humour honestly makes me believe the pastor is being. As was just so elegantly discussed, the destruction of the herd only makes sense if we remember that God never liked unclean food to begin with. One moose, two moose. HDB, II, p. 158, 159 for a detailed description.). Well let's pray before we read God's Word together. And His promise to make a new promise (covenant) with Israel and with Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-32 does not repeal the first promise (the covenant that Israel broke), it strengthens it. (Note that Luke omits Jesus journey to Tyre and Sidon, see also Mark 7:24-37). They were ..ummm ..for producing manure to fertilize crops. the obscure phrase, (declaring all food clean), is magically transformed by the New International Version into, In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean, or into even lovelier prose like, By saying this, he declared that every kind of food is acceptable in Gods eyes, by the New Living Translation (talk about making silk purse out of a sows ear). WebNoun. The Law of God states that the Sabbath is a day of rest for all livestock (Deuteronomy 5:14). They ask Him if they can enter some nearby pigs, and He lets them. For you Tolkien fans it reminds me of a character in the trilogy of the Lord of the Rings. It's a glorious picture of Jesus love for lost souls, even a Gentile. Instead of recklessly freeing the doves into the air (as erroneously shown in The Jesus Film and other Bible movies), Scripture records with precise detail that Jesus only knocked over the chairs of the pigeon owners, and/or told them to take their feathered property and leave (Matthew 21:12; Mark 11:15; John 2:16) he didnt use his whip on the birds or fling them into the air to be attacked by falcons or eagles. Gerasa is identified from various sources as a city in Arabia, Decapolis, Gilead, or Perea. Money Maker Software may be used on two systems alternately on 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or more subscriptions. What do you have that youre captive to, that youre enslaved to? We pray that he would find liberation in Jesus Christ and see his life and family restored, but my friends, any one of us, any one of us, can be in the same thralldom today. Jews don't get the joke either because they don't read the New Testament much given the fact Christians have turned them off of Jesus. Instead of dead Egyptians washing up on the shore, we see dead pigs, an intentional insult to the minions of Satan. Before a shattering, a mans heart is proud (Proverbs 18:12). 10 ) It was the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee, the area of the Decapolis. If pigs were considered unclean then would the demons not wanted unclean to possess. Still, Jesus was not in Gadarenes for judging; he was there for mercy and for judgement. In Jesus first trip to that Gentile area: They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes (in Gadara). I would, however, be a little skeptical of stories about Jesus Himself visiting Spain. But isnt it a funny coincidence that pork happens to be on Gods list of forbidden food. Sproul also agrees with this preference of people over pigs when he writes, a man is worth more than 2,000 pigs.. Perhaps even ask who might that future group of individuals be to whom Jesus will say, Depart, I never knew you (Matthew 7:22) because even though they called him, Lord, Lord [and had gone to seminary and made dispensational charts] they somehow were on the wrong path. p. 102. They were to teach the Gentiles about Him (Acts 13:4647). Some of my Christian brothers and sisters see this as coded language referring to a confrontation with the political and military power of Rome. Lets use his recording to the event as our jumping off point: Every Bible passage is either a historical narrative piece (such as the one we just read), a legal and/or procedural document (the majority of the Five Books of Moses), or it is a poetic passage (like Psalms, Proverbs and much of the Prophets). He was possessed of extraordinary strength but he was aware that there was a man of God in his presence. He seen himself demon possessed people that had extrodinary powers. War IV. SO Jesu said later in the NT, that meats going in the mouth does not defile because we excrete it out in the draught, solid and liquids, so physically our body cleans itself if there were toxins, and It is whatever comes out of the mind, is what taints a person, whatever he or she thinks. And it's the glorious picture of the value that He puts on an immortal soul. The account occurs in all three Synoptic gospels; in Mark (the shortest gospel) the story is in the longest and most detailed version; Matthew 8.2834 is the shortest, Since all of these areas overlap, one may take the references as meaning the same place. And then they beg to go into the herd of pigs. The tricky bit is finding the correct reason why gentle Jesus dumped hundreds of murderous, unclean spirits on so many swine. His poetry includes Bees in Amber: a little book of thoughtful verse (1913) which became a bestseller. That is how valuable human life is." And not only that, he's about to be a witnessing disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. (wait for it) turning the swine to the water! Both Johns could conveniently connect the dots between the Law of God which outlaws the swine and the destructive action which Jesus took against the herd, but it would be too inconvenient for their religious views. 2. Sadly, the rest of the verse is not quoted in GotQuestions best article and preachers rarely preach it, though it reveals more about the true character of the Messiah. Now that's interesting isn't it? Unsurprisingly in such a place, Jesus finds a man possessed by unclean spirits. It seems to happen a lot in the gospels. What about cattle? (Please dont hold up Mark 7:19b, Jesus made all food clean. Relying on that isolated, half-verse with textual problems makes God look flippant, and therefore, unpredictable and untrustworthy. It is now called Jerash and is a deserted ruin. He dispatched Lucius Annius with a force of cavalry and an army of foot soldiers, who took the city on the first attack, slaughtering a thousand young men, taking their families captive, plundering and burning the city and the surrounding towns (Jos. So you not only see the power of Christ over Satan in this passage in the miracle that He performs in casting these demons out of this man, but you also see Jesus compassion towards sinners. And why werent they demanding compensation for their pigs? He's set free. Being made in God's image, we are more important to the Lord than any animal. 141-144). How and why did this happen in the first place? Jesus is the lover of our souls. Demons, Jesus, and the Pigs The Outlaw Bible Student, It's interesting isn't it Jesus crosses the river, the lake, and no sooner has He set His foot on the other side but this man shows up to meet Him. And did the Gospels writers believe the explanation was so obvious they didn't need to write one? I say that Christians have turned Jews off because church-goers claim Jesus destroyed the Law and that Jews are blind for following the Law of Moses still. Explained by Sharing Culture Expert Answers: Gergesenes means "those who come from pilgrimage or fight." Amen. Later, Leviticus 11 explains to His Chosen People that He had chosen only ritually clean/pure animals for them to eat. Their line of reasoning supposes that Jesus wanted to save the man (men) but too many unclean spirits meant Jesus had to negotiate to get them to move out. Throughout Scripture itself, its a perpetual theme: Never believe anyone who says the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever (1 Peter 1:23; KJV) changeth! The next allusion to Gerasa concerns its capture during Vespasians campaign. His soul, what care we for his soul? Why doesn't the good pastor entertain that avenue of possibility or is he too busy making one-liners to connect any dots? Mark as quoted by Spalde, Annika; Strindlund, Pelle (2012). WebIt was named after the 10 ( deka) cities ( polis) which were in that area. 8:513) and the Syrophoenician woman whose daughter was possessed (Mark 7:2430), the Jews received the bulk of His attention, and He spent most of His time in the predominantly Jewish regions of Galilee and Judea. One day the prophet Samuel angrily told his king that God would not go back on His decision. We do not find demons under every pew and under every rock. That will give us the perfect answer. He is a billionaire, he is about to break Jack Nicklaus record, he's married to a model, he has two beautiful children, he has everything that anybody in the world could possibly want to have. The conversation showed that the illness had a will, a coherent sense of past, present and future, knowledge of the supremacy and authority of Jesus Christ, and a compulsion to worship Jesus. These four miracle stories, also we said, in contrast to the miracles in Luke 4 and 5, are focused on settings where a small group of the disciples witness the miracles. Do you remember when a serpent, an animal, came and exercised authority over God's man and woman, Adam and Eve, who had been made in His image so that instead of them ruling over the animals, the animals ruled over them? What about sheep? Here is a prophesy that Christians love to quote: You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 110.4) because it connects to Messiah Jesus. III. Yet they tried to throw one of their own off a cliff (, Now, if a Jew can be treated so badly by fellow Jews, lets put on our thinking caps and imagine what happens to a Jew walking straight into a big group of Gentiles. In either case, the theological point is not helped by a fictitious story. it depends on the text you read, but one of the four Greek words is sometimes neuter, sometimes masculine a big deal in this language and in this verse. Basically, a vision told Peter three times to eat defiling animal meat (at least that was how it seemed to him) so Peter logically replied that he had never eaten anything , Once more, we have half of an unclear verse, that people use to make up a, Gods Word has to agree with Gods Word. The demons are aware that He is there and they are frightened. The apostles arent having a pig roast anywhere. They cannot cast a spell on Him. Therefore, when it came to sacrifices on it, the menu was even shorter. Do not add upon it and do not reduce it. Seven facts why Jesus cast the demons to the pigs in Mark 5, but pastors still miss the point, We usually think of Jesus as the loving, forgiving guy from Galilee, right? about a.d. 65. in which he transferred the demons afflicting a man to a number of swine, that thereupon See more comments below.). Cute little silver goddess dolls would have sold for the same price as a full-grown boar or sow in those days. Instead of a sling and a stone, Jesus needs only his voice; Jesus commands and the enemy falls. The land of the Gerasenes was on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. And low and behold, two gospels specify that Jesus didnt go into Tyre (part of modern Lebanon), but that he was only in the vicinity of the city (Matthew 15:21; Mark 7:24 and Mark 7:31). For these reasons, the writers of the gospels gave no explanation and the Twelve asked no question about why Jesus destroyed all the swine. To feed the spectators who came there purposely to see those crazy chain braking tomb dwelling lunatics! Palmer Robertson was telling me not long after he had arrived in Africa to begin his ministry there he was taken to a nighttime fireside meeting with a witch doctor a man who was possessed of familiar spirits, who had extraordinary powers of strength, prediction, he was hired by people to put curses on other people and to put spells on other people. Thy powers bring loss to us and ours. They were not. But should you also doubt, my friendly blog reader, read on. And the good pastor doesnt give any rationale for a slaughter that huge. Incredible. In, David was a good example of what Jesus meant by , Sadly, our two good pastors seem oblivious to the fact that under the Law of Moses, animals have benefits too, and this fact should have bearing on any interpretation of Mark 5. Sinai. A wonderful verse that reveals Him to us and probably the most heartwarming is the commandment in the Torah that mother animals are allowed to stay with their newborns for at least seven days before the offspring can be taken for food or for sacrifice (, All of these commandments and more are still taken literally by many Jews today. In Luke 4 and 5, great multitudes are following Jesus Christ when He does His miracles. R.C. The fact anyone dreamed up dispensationalism in the first place shows how some attentive folk saw contradictions within traditional interpretations of Scripture, but were unwilling to admit to them directly, but instead they desperately concocted those nonsense charts. Then people went out to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. Yet a complete interpretation of Mark 5 needs to clear up one last point: the pigs were forbidden but did they have to be destroyed? He wouldnt have lived long enough to get to a cross to die. Accessed 4 Mar. First of all, I believe Mark was attempting to warn his Gentile readers of the great danger of demonic influence and activity. What need have we of further witnesses? Good Pastor John MacArthur's funny option, The real Author(s) of the Law and the Commandments. 2023. There he meets a man seized with an unclean spirit (Mark) or with demons (Luke). And because these repeated commands are at the end of the Christian Bible, but the original commands are at the beginning of the Hebrew Bible, we get the impression that no new commands are allowed in the whole of Scripture, and no more books either. The pastors attempts to laugh off the haunting question about the meek and lowly Son of Man killing all the pigs is pathetic. From the readings of the best texts and from the unsuitability of the locality around Gadara it appears that the proper reading should be "Gerasenes" and the place located at Karsa, on the left bank of the Wadi Samak, near the sea of Galilee. And you can ask yourself a lot of questions Why did Jesus do that? Im wondering Regrettably, what were about to study the Big Pig Splash Down isn't one of them. And then you see in this passage the change of a heart set free. This picking and choosing is completely unbiblical. He stabbed in the day of his wrath the kings. Matthew tells us there were two demoniacs, while Mark and Luke only Those outside of the nation of Israel were considered gentiles. Again, Gods anointed one faces down an army, one man against thousands. Every creature on land, or in the water, or in the air is classified by either the Hebrew term, (tahor), meaning ritually clean/pure, or by the term, (tameh), unclean/defiling. borrowed from Anglo-French, borrowed from Medieval Latin galilea, probably after Galilea, Galilaea galilee, from a monastic and clerical comparison of the church porch, where the laity gathered, to biblical Galilee, regarded, in opposition to Judaea, as a country of Gentiles (as in Matthew 4:15) e. So many beautiful verses and motivating passages are in Scripture. And he was the one who said that the Father doesnt miss the falling of a sparrow. Oops. It deeply disturbed Bertrand Russell that Jesus allowed a herd of two thousand pigs to be destroyed. We ask that You would open our eyes to behold wonderful things in it and open our ears, we pray, to hear Your Word rightly. It may well be a picture of the reverse of what happened in the Garden of Eden. ITS LIKE THE WITCH ON TGE WIZARD OF OZ However, it is anticipated that the following verses will be thrown up as excuses, as pat answers, and as proof that God has changed, the Law is fulfilled (a.k.a. And so the fact that youre in a country with a herd of pigs lets you know that youre in Gentile territory and that's part of the point of the story. But Christians miss the joke and think he was being serious. Remember the story of Jesus casting demons out of the crazy man in Luke 8? This food is unclean and defiling for you. Don't they know their Bibles? Such a contradiction in character! Issues are listed below: we are using four Greek words to eliminate entire chapters of Scripture. William Arthur Dunkerley (November 12, 1852 January 23, 1941) was a prolific English journalist, novelist and poet. In light of these facts, Jesus' ministry in the Gerasenes reveals the Lord's remarkable concern not only for the Jews but also for the Gentiles. I would have wanted a herd of swine had I been an Israelite in the desert. I trust the Lord Jesus to know what to do with demons and what ought to be done. While foretelling death and doom was often part of a prophets job description, the real task of each true prophet was to be an example to the people and to get everyone on board, or back on board, with the Law of God. Last Update: Jan 03, 2023 I could have come up with better arguments against Christianity than Bertrand Russell, but in the course of this book in one of the chapters, he says it is this story that led him to the conclusion that Jesus was neither the best nor the most virtuous of men. Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and they begged Him to let them enter these. This is the only sensible interpretation which remains consistent with all Scripture. Such a statement is irresponsible because the Law was not written for a single person. Is there a connection? Those people were Jews in Nazareth. Also, Demetrius only needed to speak a few choice words against the Jew (compare with Act 19:34), to get the crowd all worked up the silversmith didnt have any real evidence that Pauls preaching was going to slow sales. in which he transferred the demons afflicting a man to a number of swine, that thereupon rushed down a steep hill and perished. And then finally, and very, very sadly, I want you to see in contrast to him, the reaction of the majority of the people in his city and country to what Jesus has done. In the Book of Acts, Chapter Nineteen, we read about Demetrius, a Greek silver-statue maker, who was connecting a few dots of his own and had reasoned that a certain big-mouthed Jew was bad for business. II. Any other conclusion, in light of the seven facts just presented, is breathtakingly irresponsible, and we should just laugh it off. It's a picture of His great commission outreach, not just to Jews but to Gentiles also. But look at how many times God let it be known in the Law and in very certain terms eating pork was offensive. It was situated some 30 miles southeast of Gadara, on the borders of Peraea and a little north of the river Jabbok. 1). In the three Synoptic Gospels and John 2:15, Jesus forces all the sellers out of the Temple courts. David ran after the lion that had grabbed his sheep and with just his staff, and his wits, he forced the lion to drop it. The vision stumped the poor apostle; clearly, Peter forgot about the amazing four Greek words of Mark 7:19b. Therefore, when it came to sacrifices on it, the menu was even shorter. Knowing the correct genre of what you are studying is a major step toward getting a correct message or interpretation.
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