Camp J.J. Carroll - September 1970 The short, intense battles fought at distances beyond towed artillerys range simply precluded any help. I remember Rivers Barracks. 4th Bn, 42nd Arty (105, T) Contact: Bob I have often wondered how that boy turned out, since at the age of twelve he spoke fluent Polish, English, German, and French. I rotated home and was discharged October 11, 1956. 5th Battalion, 42nd Artillery (1968) [3] : 105 1st Battalion, 84th Artillery (February 1967-1968) [3] : 107 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division comprising: 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry (June 1967, February 1970) [3] : 142 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry (January-February 1970) [3] : 143 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry (January 1970) [3] : 143 We were protected by a battery of antiaircraft guns and a company of light infantry. We were there from Fall 1966 - Feb/Mar 1968. Even though they were surprised, the North Vietnamese slugged the Americans viciously with small arms, rocket, and mortar f.:e. To repel the assaults the Americans airlifted in reinforcements throughout the day under the cover of artillery fire from L-.nding Zone Falcon. Once we sat on the Fulda Gap near the East German border in concentric circles with half of the 7th Army. Despite effective air and artillery support, the enemy closed in on the perimeter and assailed it from all directions. This happened in March in Germany which can be and was quite cold. Toggle navigation. Battalion, 92nd Artillery Contact: 2nd & 3rd Howitzer Batteries, 11th ACR. He drove by with a smile and gave us a sweeping Hi and a wink. Looking for your old artillery unit? Battalion, 20th Artillery In a student thesis at the Army War College in 1963, Colonel William F. Brand pointed out that integrated training provided an inadequate amount of time for detailed instruction on all artillery weapons, which meant that officers left the advanced course without mastering any of the weapons. was in the 23rd Artillery Group, which was part of Second Field Force Artillery, in the 3 McAllister (jeep driver). After they put in slot machines they made so much money that they use to run nickel beer nights. 5th Bn, 22nd Arty (8-in/175) (5) 27 May 57 to 9 Oct 57: Recon & Survey Officer, B Battery "Out of sight, out of mind.". My other assignment in the section was to drive the Lts jeep. Constituted 5 July 1918 in the National Army as Battery D, 42nd Field Artillery, an element of the 14th Division Organized 10 August 1918 at Camp Custer, Michigan Demobilized 7 February 1919 at Camp Custer, Michigan Reconstituted 1 October 1933 in the Regular Army as Battery D, 42nd Field Artillery. Because of operations over vast areas, numerous displacements, short, violent actions, and an undefinable front and rear in 1965-66, the field artillery found the battery-battalion arrangement to be logical and to provide fast, accurate fire. Life was routine and good. 3rd Bn, 18th Arty (8-in/175) Artillery Contact James Strange B Btry We practiced RSOPs (Reconnaissance, Selection, Occupation of Position) till we could do them in our sleep. Every time it was moved, it took hours to get it up and running again. As the battles indicated, American ground forces were vulnerable when they lacked fire support. On payday they were filled and SPs as well as MPs roamed the town to prevent trouble. Authors note: by reading, the History section you will see our organization changed as the need was altered. I still have a 5 cent bill. Enemy tactics compelled the resumption of small unit actions, ranging from squad- to company-size. 1st Infantry Division Artillery, 105mm H T, 155mm H T, 2nd Battalion 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment. I remember his daughter, Susan (about my age). of artillery units in Vietnam Army - 41st Field Arty Gp w Vietnam SVC Ribbons Army - 173rd Airborne Brigade w SVC Ribbons Army - 124th Transportation Cmd w SVC Ribbons . . When we got there a French unit with about a dozen 20mm cannons were shooting at a wooden tower with a bunch of what looked like Generals with BC scopes watching the results. FIRST FIELD FORCE VIETNAM ARTILLERY My older brother said he got to drive a 2 1/2 ton truck (he was 12). 2nd Bn, 20th Arty (ARA) Kinnard to destroy the retreating North Vietnamese units responsible for the assault. When the wooden tower turned into toothpicks it took about three minutes for the French Army to disappear. Integrated basic and advanced officer courses, which had been initiated in 1947, had failed to provide officers with adequate preparation to serve effectively in either artillery.93 With support from the Armys Assistant Chief of Staff for Training, the Continental Army Command created basic courses for the two artilleries in 1957 but reintegrated basic officer training in 1958 through 1961 because of the lack of officers and money.94 In the meantime, the Continental Army Command retained the integrated artillery advanced course for officers with five to eight years of experience because of pressure to maintain flexibility in officer assignments. 6/15th's AO, and IV Corps included the Mekong Delta and the southernmost parts of The dentist put them in a cast, but could not save the left front one. After several days of searching, the 1/9 Cavalry bumped into the enemy on I November. . Nevertheless, division artillery commanders had difficulty locating moving units and coordinating supporting fires. Turned out I used those bonds to pay for my first 2 years of college when I was discharged. is no relation between the contact person and website), 3rd The 1st Field Force with two groups - the 41st and 52nd - and 2 separate Battalions (BN) provided artillery support for all of II Corps Tactical Zone (IICTZ). 6th Bn, 77th Arty (105, T) 1 Also, the war compelled the field artillery to adapt to fight a small-unit war, but it never abandoned its faith in massing fire. howitzers and the rapid response of aerial artillery signified important changes in tactics. To economize and speed up displacements they devised a system of using one helicopter to carry both. The ability to airlift towed 105-mm. Because of that, many commanders reluctantly operated beyond their artillery or tac- tical air support and refused to fight on equal terms with the enemy. This dispersed the Army throughout the countryside. When I ETS'd & came home, my accent was thick, broken English! As the other combat arms scoured the countryside, gun crews supplied close support by shelling enemy positions. 5th Bn, 22nd Arty (8-in/175) artillery support for the 9th ID mobile riverine operations from barges, 2nd Battalion, 35th Artillery EIN: 52-1149668, Copyright 2023 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. Parker was a captain with B Battery, 5th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery in the Vietnam War from 1968 to '69. Contact: Contact: Learn more about featured topics of the Vietnam War and Vietnam Era. Rex G Welty, the Exec. Besides being in charge of the survey crew he was also the FO when we fired the guns. 78 Commenting on this, Brigadier General Willard Pearson, Commander, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, wrote in December 1966 that his units motto was Save Lives, Not Ammunition.79 Given this, he wroteDecember 1966 that the ground forces main task involved finding the enemy. Aerial artillery and a dogged defense turned back many enemy attacks. your webpage URL Both I was sent to Camp (now Fort) Chaffee for my eight weeks of basic training. Coffee at the snack bar followed by more section training and bug out time. As a part of the advanced course, student officers received instruction at the Artillery and Guided Missile School and the Air Defense School at Fort Bliss, Texas. Contact: That night the North Vietnamese ferociously hit the 1/9 Cavalry. 5th Bn, 16th Arty (155/8-in, SP), 6th Bn, 11th Arty, 11th Inf Bde (105, T) Occasionally fights broke out between the Batterys and the Engineers who were stationed at Rivers Barracks. Formed in 1917, the division deployed to France as a part of the . We had a great little dining room where we started off each day with eggs to order and copies of the Stars and Stripes. Just gain enough time for the SAC Bombers to get there and be sure we were out of the way. read more 1 2 3 Next E. Sones, 7th Battalion, 15th They were together as a Battery a total of 10 times (a total of 3 months), the longest of which was approximately 40 days they spent together on LZ Hambone, the rest of their time was spent as 2 (plt) and 4 (-) howitzer units. Late in 1965, it could not be applied at will. At the direction of the Commanding General, Continental Army Command, the Artillery and Guided Missile School and the Air Defense School explored the desirability of dividing the artillery into two branches. Contact: Ron After the Battle of Ia Drang, General Kinnard had nothing but praise for his field artillery. stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me . 6th Bn, 84th Arty (155, T), 3rd Bn, 6th Arty (105, SP) On 3 November the 1/9 Cavalry squadron began conducting a reconnaissance-in-force along the Cambodian border. How to use 're equip' in a sentence? As tube artillery lifted its fire, aerial artillery blasted the area to allow the infantry to land. Since going to school and working to pay for it was a drag I figured that if I went in to the Army, Uncle Sam would pay for my college. howitzers could not be used in a direct fire role on a landing zone surrounded by dense vegeta- tion without causing extensive casualties to the security force. M. Larson, 37th 2 talking about this. list of US Army Vietnam Artillery Units, "Artillery conquers and infantry 12 midnight curfew and you had to wear Class As or a jacket and tie. Unit Crest (Labore Et Honore) 25th Field Artillery Regiment. In most cases you were broken down into 3 separate -2-howitzer - platoons. Corps Tactical Zone (CTZ). Contents 1 Lineage 2 Distinctive unit insignia 3 Coat of arms 4 Current configuration 5 Campaign participation credit 6 Decorations 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Lineage [ edit] Sgt. With the exception of the before mentioned Delta and Echo Batteries, the 1/92nd was primarily comprised of Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Batteries. A memorandum for General Kalergis pointed out There is not [a] price tag in [on] the life of a US soldier, massive use of artillery, air and naval support will save US lives. So depending on when you joined the unit, you could have moved a lot or not at all. This along with communist rhetoric about picking up the banner of nationalism by supporting wars of liberation influenced the United States to consider sending troops. Faircloth, 1st, I read that the first guns got there in Oct and not Novas I remembered it. Contact: The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the 42d Field Artillery Battalion on 7 May 1942. Contact: Chris The KPS even came into the field with us. Home Cities Countries. After receiving the on the way and splash we watched the French. Contact: Stu Sears, Responsible for III Corps And For the most part, 1/92nd was a 3 Firing Btry BN each with 6 - M114A1 - 155 mm Howitzers, lovingly referred to as "The Pig." These Btry's were commonly referred to as the "Firing Battery's" the guys you called when you wanted hot steel on the target but for every firing Btry a unit had it took other Btry's to support, move, supply, aim and maintain the howitzers and equipment. I realized why when we hit a storm in the North Atlantic and spent three days at sea anchor during which time we were feeding 85 troops that could still eat. Because of this, the 1st Divisions artillery commander delegated fire control to commanders of direct support battalions, who helped convert the Iron Triangle from a haven into a no mans land by the end of January. Spc. Contact: Forty-one. the contact person for your unit 3rd Bn, 13th Arty (155/8-in, SP), 2nd Bn, 14th Arty (105, T) This may help you find your friend from the war. 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat. From these positions located so that any point in the area of operations could be reached by at least one battery and usually two or more, the maneuver commander conducted offensive operations, while field artillery, ranging from 105-mm. We used to drive there in our White 1966 Volkswagen 1300 (1.3L) which my Dad bought when we first arrived. I lucked out and was given KP duty, which I didnt like at first. Although the enemy applied pressure into the evening, a continuous ring of artillery shells and tactical air strikes kept it from breaching the perimeters. in Germany from 1945 to 1989. Arty Units - detailed list These other non-firing Btry's were the Service Battery (Svc Btry) plus the Headquarters and Headquarters Battery (HHB Btry). In one letter, he sent me a color picture of a 400 pound tiger carcass tied to a pole in the middle of one of the firebases. SFC Stewart saw potential in me as a clerk instead of a gun bunny because when I was at A 3/6 FA, Ft. Riley, I OJT'd as a 94B (cook). I remember playing with race car sets and the day we melted down a bunch of .45 cal slugs on the stove and made a lead Frisbee like the one "Odd-Job" used in the James Bond movie, "Goldfinger". (Photo Credit: U.S. Armed Forces), An Inside Look at Russias Zombie Wave Tactics in Ukraine, Man Bursts From Russian Consulate in Brazil, Attacks Anti-War Protester, The Brutal Battle of Vuhledar, Where Russian Infantry Clashed With Ukrainian Forces, War in Ukraine: A Year That Defied Expectations. If we had won, the team would be in a fix because a lot of us would be out of the service before the tournament was played. Prior to this time the 1/92nd (in 52nd Group) and the 1/30th (in 41st Group) were the only completely Air Mobile medium artillery units in all of IICTZ. Dear Sp4 Jeffery Wright, Thank you for your service as a Field Artillery Basic. In 1968 the North Vietnamese abandoned their strategy of a protracted war. The home page of the 1/92nd Field Artillery Association - Vietnam. Contact: William GitHub export from English Wikipedia. In early 1971 for example C Btry occupied 3 firebases all within 7 miles of each other for mutual support of the Engineers working on the roads, the ARVN's and US Infantry pounding the bush as well as the 3 firebases. You could read the nomenclature on the bumpers. 3rd Bn, 18th Arty (8-in/175) I returned to the University of Illinois and let Uncle Sam pay for my degree in Mechanical Engineering. In addition, I have some Orders and other information contained my 201 File which might be of interest. However, it was to inform me I was now in the survey section. Mike Pastula, Battery F, 16th Artillery 6th Bn, 14th Arty (8-in/175) 2nd Bn, 9th Arty (105, T) AAA Vector Graphics - VIETNAM SERVICE > 5th Battalion, 42nd Artillery. containing a list of ALL US Army Vietnam Artillery units. 4th Bn, 42nd Arty (105, T)
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