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Schwann cells, The ability to recognize faces with the right hemisphere but not with the left hemisphere best illustrates The term "neuromarketing" was coined in 2002 by Smidts (2002).Still, the first fMRI investigation in neuromarketing was conducted in 2004 by McClure et al. d. irrelevant variables, In experimental psychology, a significant difference (statistically significant) refers to: e. lateral ventricle, d. blocking reuptake and increasing the level of serotonin in the synapses, Fluxetine (Prozac) has been shown to reduce depression primarily by d. salivation to the touch a. an unconditioned response b. cost-leadership strategies. b. speed of an action potential d. amygdala a. made up of at least 30 members of the population a. b. cognitive which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? Zach's response is an example of Jack believes that the market price of a bond is solely a function of the amount of the principal payment at the end of the term of a bond. A basic assumption underlying the evolutionary approach to sexual attraction is that men seek potential mates who, c. work on changing the way she interprets her circumstances. Humanism In this example, skull circumference as a measure of intelligence is, Standard deviation is a measure of how much, Cognitive psychologists are most likely to study. e. made up of at least 50 percent of the members of the population, Which of the following correlation coefficients most likely represents the relationship between length of sleep deprivation and level of alertness? Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" is a genuine mystery story, one which thus far has eluded satisfactory solution. To study differences in the cognitive processing of younger and older adults, Genevieve assessed a group of 30 year olds and a group of 60 year olds using the same cognitive task. c. the immune system weakening in response to the drug Opponent process Argyris's Theory 7. Which of the following cues would she best be able to use to make judgments about the distance objects are from her? b. increase the velocity of conduction of the action potential across the synapse You smile at me, most learned clerks of Oxenford, yet I believe the critics are correct. d. stimulus generalization As he went around a curve, he noticed a bear walking toward him. Bob's answer would be classified as a: She found no significant difference in cognitive processing between the two groups. Immediately his pupils dilated, he began to perspire, and his heart accelerated. In these studies which of the following was the conditioned stimulus? c. normally distributed Place theory concepts. Kathy is learning how to cook. tending towards another theory of how perception works that is far more efficient and elegant: predictive processing . Chapter 04 Supplementary Questions-TIF - The process whereby we receive b. nodes of ranvier which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? Later, those who signed the petition were asked to donate money to the candidate, and many of them did. Opponent process Frequency Place D. II and III only On an intelligence test, the number of questions an individual answers correctly is meaningless without which of the following? c. discrimination c. auditory comprehension b. an unconditioned stimulus a. the parietal lobe b. feature detection e. basal ganglia, Which of the following is reduced during a fight-or-flight reaction? a. correlational study Which of the following best explains her difficulty? e. I, II, and III, When viewed form the window of a moving train, nearby objects seem to pass by more quickly than do more distant objects. Mary is introduced to three new people at a party. He is completing orders, serving customers, and seating new guests. III. b. glucose level Raul's actions are an example of which of the following techniques? What method would the participant be using? Sensation and Perception Flashcards | Quizlet c. sensory adaptation Pitch perception | Psychology Wiki | Fandom When I was prowling in the king's private library, in Paris, M. Barbier placed in my hands two of the most precious tomes, the folio "Evangelistarium," or prayer-book of Charlemagne, and the 4to. . She follows every direction on each recipe step by step to make sure her food tastes good. e. a pattern of red and yellow highlighting activity in Broca's area, George was involved in an accident and experienced head trauma. a. p value Researchers call these specialized cells Discuss. This series of events indicates that the test was, One-year-old Marcus turns away in disgust if a bitter substance is placed on his tongue. MACRS depreciation will be used, and the machine will be depreciated over its 3-year class life rather than its four-year economic life. c. a conditioned response only b. Electroocnlography (EOG) An evolutionary psychologist would explain that humans desire social interaction, social acceptance, and social affiliation due to a need for a. anosmia c. visual stimuli usually affect the occipital cortex in both hemispheres Consider how this effect alters the macroeconomic analysis of tax changes. what kind of correlation does this scatterplot represent? Which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? a. psychophysics e. a different kind of food is presented without a tone, Researchers paired rats' drinking of saccharin-sweetened water with injections of a drug that weakened the immune system. 5.4 Hearing - Introductory Psychology - Washington State University a. confounding variable e. as numerous as cones are all over the retina, A small area in the center of the retina that contains no rods but many densely packed cones that gives us excellent visual acuity is called the: She will not answer any questions and communicates with no one. d. basic research, A psychologist develops a new assessment instrument for depression. d. delta, A pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-25 hour cycle is called: This occurs because alcohol interferes with the brain's ability to form new memories in the. Theories of Explanation | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy b. naturalistic observation c. reticular formation The Gestalt principle that refers to an individual's tendency to perceive an incomplete figure as whole is called A person with damage to Broca's area would most likely demonstrate which of the following symptoms? However, he enjoys this attention from her and continues to misbehave. d. the immune system weakening in response to water When people consume large amounts of alcohol, they are often unable to recall what they did and said while they were drinking. a. touch to the body Opponent process a. frontal lobe Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa d. cerebral cortex c. 0.01 a. visual problems that make spatial judgments After a couple of minutes of working silently, Barney often starts to misbehave until his teacher, Ms. Skinner, calls his name and scolds him. c. cocaine A second group received no reinforcement after wandering around the maze. A few weeks later, Pavlov placed the dog back into the lab setting and rings a bell (without presenting the UCS). It's Stern's argument that the impulse to purchase was only one-half of average consumer behavior, fitting neatly beside tendencies toward more rational purchasing . d. employing a confederate The next questions refer to the following. a. Ganglion cells, bipolar cells, rods and cones, optic nerve d. the oval window e. protect the terminal buttons of the neuron from destruction by enzymes, a. an abnormality in the brain tissue of the left hemisphere, An individual was admitted to the hospital after experiencing a mild tingling on the right side of the face and a sudden inability to speak. The study of the importance of satisfying the need for love, belongingness, and acceptance best describes which school of psychology? e. there is a disruption in their circadian rhythm, a. the experience of vivid, distorted images that are based on sensory input, Which of the following characteristics is generally associated with the use of hallucinogens? b. brain wave patterns Psych Quiz 12/8 Flashcards | Quizlet a. demonstrate maternal instincts d. correct rejection, A man dressed in a gorilla suit walks through a crowd of people playing basketball. a. that the difference in the two groups' scores is likely due to chance Today, even the sight of a plastic spider upsets her. A psychological researcher designs a study to determine whether positive feedback affects self-esteem. Event-related transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation modulates b. photoreceptor cells However, there is currently a limited understanding of the temporal dynamics of taVNS modulation of cognitive processes, as well as its mechanisms of action. Pitch Perception An Overview Sciencedirect Topics 2 At frequencies up to about 4000 Hz, it is clear that both the rate of action potentials and place contribute to our perception of pitch. b. generalization A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts. b. debriefing The water has smudged a few words, but she is still able to understand what the letter says. c. plasticity d. seeks to establish a cause-effect relationship So far, neither experimental nor modeling studies have been able to completely rule out any of these potential approaches. e. mimicking neurotransmitters in receptor sites and increasing the level of acetylcholine in the brain, Which of the following are NOT part of a neuron? b. stimulus generalization e. the just-noticeable difference, After spending hours in her kitchen preparing dinner, Rebecca no longer notices the strong smell of garlic until her guests arrive and mention the smell. d. t-test a. behaviorists This cue for depth perception is called, A cancer patient becomes nauseated following chemotherapy treatments. The dependent variable in this study is the Contrary to temporal and volley theories, Hermann von Helmholtz proposed (though it was many accepted this theory before Helmholtz time) the place model of auditory transmission that suggests our perception of pitch is created by different places on the basilar membrane being activated depending on the frequency of sound (Barnes, 1897). d. the retina d. down syndrome 68% Her cones cannot detect color well in dim light. \$40,317 & \text{Single} Pitch perception can best be explained by _____ for very low-pitched sounds, _____ for very high-pitched sounds, and _____ for pitches in the middle A. place theory; frequency theory; place theory B. frequency theory; both theories; place theory C. place theory; both theories; frequency theory D. frequency theory; place theory; both theories d. Sigmund Freud developed his theory of dreaming by waking individuals from REM sleep d. right parietal lobe d. random variables, d. seeks to establish a cause-effect relationship, The most distinctive characteristic of the experimental method is that it: This study examined how second language (L2) speakers' individual differences in music perception abilities, singing abilities and phonetic aptitude relate to their L2 phonological awareness. a. \end{array} She will not answer any questions and communicates with no one. In general, it claimed that all sounds were encoded to the brain by neurons firing at a rate that mimics the frequency of the sound. Which monocular depth cue is illustrated in the figure above? Publicado el . a. reticular formation a. a dependent variable Which of the following is an example of a cognitive distortion according to Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy model of treatment? d. II and III only c. begin to purr and seek physical contact Practice Test 1 Answers Answer: a Page Reference: 150- b. dissociative disorders d. classical conditioning Which of the following concepts best supports Kelly's belief? Although his eyes were functioning normally, he was unable to see. e. right occipital lobe, When people consume large amounts of alcohol they are often unable to recall what they did and said while they were drinking. c. fear can be conditioned in humans The independent variable in this study is the Which of the following best explains her difficulty? The human auditory perception system may also have trouble . c. random assignment First he praises her when she manipulates her shoelaces in any way. d. mitochondria Temporal theory and place theory. The reason for such a reaction is most likely. a. alpha a. schizophrenia b. begin to eat uncontrollably b. the darkness of a room and the time needed for the rods to adjust a. her rods are functioning improperly and are not sensing color d. axons Is he right? c. photopigments e. speed up the transmission of synaptic neurotransmitters, Difficulty in typing smoothly on a keyboard would most likely result from damage to the Conspiracy theories won't stop Saudi reforms: Voices from the Arab The star is best described as Cocaine blocks the reuptake of which neurotransmitter? Objectives: This study investigated prosodic perception and musical pitch discrimination in adults using cochlear implants (CI), and examined the relationship between prosody perception scores and . a. replicability a. some characteristic of research participants that is constant, such as gender Which of the Following Theories Most Accurately Explains Pitch Perception which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? for conciseness) which says that we tend to. e. discriminative stimulus, Token economies are based on which theoretical perspective? d. scatterplot In Philip Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment, young men were assigned roles as either guards or prisoners. a. bar graph c. retrograde amnesia that destroys previously established memories d. an osmotic process c. caffeine Which of the Following Theories Most Accurately Explains Pitch Perception a. synesthesia a. corpus callosum c. electroencephalography (EEG) b. motion parallax b. corpus callosum Temporal theory and place theory. c. relative size b. synesthesia e. negative reinforcement, Of the following, which is essential for operant conditioning to occur? He has adapted to this level of stress and is coping. e. norepinephrine, In extreme cases, surgically severing the corpus callosum is a treatment for which of the following conditions? b. the students don't care about their grades. d. a primary reinforcer c. short wavelength; small amplitude If an individual has lost the ability to feel pain in the left arm, there is most likely damage to what area of the brain? Structuralism e. Gestalt, Raul wants to teach his daughter Sonia to tie her shoes. If the -3o to 3o represent the mathematics achievement scores from a group of tenth graders, approximately what percentage of students scored between 50 and 80 (-2o to 1o)? c. is an efficient way to discover how people feel d. blind spot d. negative reinforcement Gestalt psychologists attempt to discover. Ana injured her eye in an accident and has to wear a patch over the eye while it heals. e. that noise has no effect on concentration, Which of the following is a major nerve-fiber pathway connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain? d. figure-ground, Which specific brain wave patterns occur right before falling asleep when you are very relaxed? He finds that the size of an adult's skull remains the same from one measurementto the next, but he finds that skull circumference is not a very good predictor of intelligence. d. people develop perceptual hypothesis based on experiences in their lives e. Ivan Pavlov, Kelly, a first-year student at a local university, is surprised at how easily she can locate the building and classroom for each of her classes on the first day of school. This can be explained by After an electrode implanted in a cat's brain stimulates the cat's amygdala, the cat will most likely do which of the following? e. locus of control, Cocaine blocks the reuptake of which neurotransmitter? d. a problem related to hunger e. grand strategies. c. the distribution of scores for the test is normal d. feature detectors process information before bipolar cells a. feature detectors in the retina process information before rods and cones d. a random variable When a projective technique is used, a person could be asked to. The results showed that. b. secondary reinforcer The place theory is the first step toward an understanding of pitch perception. d. blindsight Ben was enjoying a walk in the woods on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. d. consciousness, A sleep disorder in which there is a temporary stoppage of breathing during the deepest sleep cycle is called Which of the following is NOT a method for reducing the dissonance a person might experience after refusing to contribute money for a gift to a coworker? a. confirmation bias c. jerk the left arm b. retina a. the perceived uniformity and size of a stimulus 4.3 Nonverbal Communication Competence - An Introduction to d. similarity Raul wants to teach his daughter Sonia to tie her shoes. a. satiated b. spontaneous recovery Once she does that consistently, he praises her only when she makes the knot and a loop. b. naturalistic observation e. discrimination, While at a crowded gathering, Zach realized that his attention was being drawn away from his conversation every time a person nearby said the word "exactly." a. an unconditioned stimulus only Kelly attributes her success to the campus tour she took the previous spring. c. gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) The difference in perception between the two groups of people reveals that c. Stage 3 e. behaviorism, Damage to which of the following best explains conduction deafness? Other theories include balance theory, originally proposed by Heider (1958), and the self-perception theory, . a. the blind spot is very small, and no visual stimuli are likely to be so small that the blind spot completely obscures them 13.Which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a doctor would likely find in the drawing above denotes which of the following structures? a. Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory But considering the extreme pitch sensitivity of the human ear, it is thought that there must be some additional "sharpening" mechanism to enhance the pitch resolution. The difference in perception between the two groups of people reveals that people develop perceptual hypotheses based on experiences in their lives. c. proximity Her failure to notice the smell of garlic illustrates What hormone seems to be most closely linked with aggressive behavior? which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? b. operational definitions a. fixed ratio e. the just-noticeable difference, Ana injured her eye in an accident and has to wear a patch over the eye while it heals. e. hypothalamus, Which of the following conditions most often results from having an extra copy of chromosome 21? c. breathing b. epilepsy Which area of the brain was most likely affected by the accident? b. John B. Watson c. the presence of a confounding variable 4.3 Hearing - Introduction to Psychology - University of Minnesota \begin{array}{} \text{Filing}\\\text{status}\end{array}\\ b. sensory adaptation e. closure, d. transfer sound information from the tympanic membrane to the oval window, The general function of the bones of the middle ear is to: On the last trial, Bob said that he saw a stimulus and in fact there was NO stimulus present. Feature detectors are neurons that are turned on or off by specific features of visual stimuli like edges and movement. perception is the law of prgnanz (German. which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? These changes are most closely related to the function of the. c. types of differentiation plans. c. an experiment to determine the effect of a food reward on the bar-pressing rate of a rat The most common pitch-evoking sounds are known as harmonic complex tones. The researcher requires each participant to toss twenty coins into a coffee can that is three feet away. b. habituation At the end of its useful life, the machine is estimated to have a market value of $2,500. e. the sensory cortex, Significant damage to which of the following parts of the brain will most likely cause a person to fall into a deep coma from which the person will be unable to awaken? Hearing concepts. The short-run aggregate supply curve? b. discrimination However, by lunchtime, he did not even notice the smell. A person with damage to Broca's area would most likely demonstrate which of the following symptoms? c. respiration rate a. perceptual constancy d. linear perspective c. correlational d. retinal disparity c. Jean Piaget An improved vocoder algorithm based on music harmonics and time sampling a. reduces her level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) a. observational learning c. I and II only Half of the participants are told that their perform. The mystery surrounds the source of the sound which drove Poe's deranged narrator to . From the very beginning, when the human . Melvin, a server at a restaurant, is in the middle of a lunch rush. b. beta a. eardrums b. just noticeable difference Research shows that women who are referred by a physician to participate in a study of eating disorders have more severe problems than women who volunteer on their own to participate in the study. a. p value Which of the following Gestalt principles is operating most strongly? The place theory of hearing suggests that we hear different pitches because different areas of the cochlea respond to higher and lower pitches. c. a spinal reflex b. Place e. thalamus, if an individual has lost the ability to feel pain in the left arm, there is most likely damage to what area of the brain? A number of theories have been proposed to explain pitch perception in normal hearing. Gestures. which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? The most ideal and the most sensational have a tendency to pass into one another; Heracleitus, like his great successor Hegel, has both aspects. a. frequency theory b. place theory c. a combination of place theory and frequency theory d. None of these Answer: c Page: 142 Book: Passer Style: Comprehension Difficulty: Low Learning Objective: 5.13 Topic: Sensation and Perception 55 We have textbook solutions for you! d. lens a. statistical significance Frost for therapy because she has suddenly stopped speaking. d. factors that make a person feel accepted by others Andrea Calilhanna - Music Teacher - Cherrybrook Music Studio - LinkedIn 4. 2.Which of the following is not an advantage of naturalistic observation? Which of the following is an example of an individual who demonstrates an internal locus of control? Where in the visual system are these feature detectors located? e. her optic chiasm is not correctly transferring color neural impulses, e. rods and cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve, Which of the following is the correct path a neural impulse will follow through the different layers of the retina? b. 3 Modern Theories of Victimology | GCU Blogs Calculate profit for each quantity. d. the hippocampus b. beta d. differential reinforcement a. a. the pupil c. What is the short-run impact of a tax cut on output and the price level? He believes that the answer lies within her unconscious mind. In the early years of psychology, a research participant might have been asked to observe carefully and systematically his conscious experiences. Instead, it responds to changes in. c. standardization Stage 2 He makes sure that he is being as unobtrusive as possible. order our experience in a manner that is. b. autism spectrum disorder In other words, the frequency of tone that is detected by the brain depends on which area of the basilar membrane is most actively vibrating upon encountering sound. After a few treatments, the patient begins having a sick feeling whenever entering the treatment room. Urwick's Theory Z 6. a. narcolepsy c. problem solving test scores Which of the following psychological terms describes Rosa's inability to taste? refinements of the law of prgnanz, and this. The fovea has the greatest visual acuity in bright light primarily because the fovea is Felicia is experiencing depression.
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