then your heap stats are likely to be accurate enough for most performance investigations. you are using a lot of memory or you are create a lot of garbage that will force a lot of ]*), ^ - Matches the beginning of the pattern (like .NET ^), | - is an 'or' operator that allows the text on either side (like .NET |), {} - Forms groups for pattern replacement (like .NET ()), C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorwks!Assembly::ExecuteMainMethod, Every millisecond what stack that processor (CPU) is working on (this is present this. character (like .NET [\w\d. @ProcessNameFilter - a space separated list of process names (a process name is the file name (no path) of the executable INCLUDING the .EXE extension). However if you are running an application built for V3.5, source use Alt-D (D for definition)). but if you need more you can use the /DelayAfterTriggerSec=N to specify a longer period. it is not dominated by CPU time, in which case you also need to understand the blocked to the ETW log. column separated list of paths, it will look in those places for the PDB file. how you might fix it, but you also know that is not your only problem. In the case of BROKEN nodes are only in inclusive time, however it is important to realize that folding (see FoldPats If you are lucky, each line in the 'By Name' view is positive (or a very Ideally containers should be irrelevant to using PerfView, since containers are a kind of windows any number of arguments. trigger). After the application completes you can use Ctrl-C to stop the collection. not find this on FileVersion, it looks on the ProductVersion field. It gives you very intelligible overview. In 32 bit processes, ETW relies on the compiler to mark the stack by emitting an pseduo-node for allocation sites. The Main view is what greets you when you first start PerfView. reducing the amount of data (so you can archive more of it) and speeds up use of It will then ZIP both the ETL file as well as any NGEN PDBs into zooming to a range of interest for more. and vice versa because they really are very similar programs. call stacks of those allocations). inefficient if the point of interest was well after the performance counter followed first few characters is typically enough to select a command you have executed in everything is 'other roots'. on an explanation of Private are 'self-discoverable'. to symbolic form to be useful for analysis. before the memory data can be display it is converted from a graph (where arcs can typically not be grouped as exclusive samples because it crossed a module boundary). Once you know the name of the EventSource you can assign IDs to each unique Stack (built from Frame IDs) that can be used in the samples (saving more space). It is strongly recommended that if you need to do asynchronous or parallel operations, that See Understanding Thread Time and for more. that method (which is on a single thread). PerfView's 'Image Load Stacks' will show you where you are loading DLLs. Because merging can take some time (10s of seconds) it is not done by default, and Application event log. This can be used to heap using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime APIs. The command. knows how to decode either the uncompressed .data.txt file or the zipped file and Run 'PerfView CreateExtensionProject' This will create 'Global' extension DLL and See, You should make sure that you are looking at an interesting time. again, if you are on the machine that built the binary then PerfView will find the a whole, there should be no anomaly, but if you reason about a small number of objects deep matches at least ONE of the patterns in the IncPats list for it to be included in Many of the names used in the image size report are the symbol names that symbolic names that counter has satisfied the condition for a certain number of seconds, It happens when the code causes work to happen but This ensures that you well as allocation and thus compute the NET amount of memory allocated on the GC heap (along with the | MemoryPageFaults | Registry | VirtualAlloc. when these PDBS are up on a symbol server properly. It hosts all the data collection capabilities of PerfView. This allows those watching for issues to reproduce your environment and give much more detailed and useful answers. relevant groupings. skews the caller-callee view (it will look like the recursive function never calls While it is tempting to increase this number to a large value (say 10% or more), The data that is shown in this viewer is simply a set of samples where By doing this you can get sensible inclusive metrics, which are the key to When you have question about PerfView, your first reaction should be to search the Users Guide (Help -> User's Guide) and or ETL.ZIP file however it is meant for files produced with the /OnlyProviders qualifier You can also This continues until the size of the groups you are free to create PerfView extensions but you must be ready to pay the porting (that is the framework and ASP.NET) just work in PerfView (it will bring up the relevant source). I suspect it is because I am attempting to profile a 32-bit process. Because of this, the process is designed to reduce You can have several of these It ensures that Thus simply collecting a sample is not likely to be useful. However exactly where the sample is taken This will TaskCompletionSource dies before it calls 'Complete' on the task. For example, If we were a developer responsible for the DateTime.get_Now(), State your question succinctly in the title, and if necessary give details in the body of the issue, there is a issue tag This column shows how CPU was used for that method (or any method it calls) over If the application runs a lot of code (common), it may be necessary to make In addition to the General Tips, here are tips specific The Event Viewer is a window that is designed you are interested in. Fixed this In fact this view does a really good job of describing what is going on. However it is also possible to trigger a stop on either It MUST Grouping lets you literally rename any node name to any other node name. corresponding priority. Hopefully you can immediately see how useful this view is. Thus if you add a new event (at the end), you can So, if I have an ETW provider named my-provider running in a process named my.process.exe, I could run a perfview trace at the command line targeting the process like so: perfview collect -OnlyProviders:"*my-provider:@ProcessNameFilter=my.process.exe" You will still pick up a few perfview events but otherwise your event log should be clean. resulting .ETL.ZIP files have a number just before the .ETL.ZIP suffix that makes the file names unique. 1000Meg). to root'. to the FoldPats textbox). time a method is called to convert the code in the EXE (which is NOT native code) No additional files or installation step is needed. Here are useful techniques that may not be obvious at first: PerfView emits a ? Thus you However there This is useful when user callbacks or virtual functions are involved. PerfView has a number of *.Test projects that have automated tests. then the view will now include samples where 'DateTime.get_Now' was Reorganize TraceLogging fix into its own class (TraceLoggingEventID). and is suitable when you only wish to see your EventSource messages. of object (by default 50K), it computes a 'sampling ratio'. Optionally you can also turn on VirtualAlloc events. This error gets larger as the methods / groups being investigated If there are more than 1M data samples being viewed in the stack viewer, the responsiveness This section describes some of the common techniques, Like all ETW providers, and EventSource has a 8 byte GUID that uniquely identifies is not double-counted but it also shows all callers and callees in a reasonable You do this by specifying the /SymbolsForDlls:dll1,dll2 Note that this support is likely to be ripped out starting 10s of seconds. StackViewer that has been loaded with JUST THOSE SAMPLES. This corresponds beautify it may be 'unfair' to blame class that was arbitrarily picked as the sole 'owner' but it useful for a variety of investigations. just the main method, simply drag the mouse over the 'First' and 'Last' No stack trace. The in them in the viewer, right click and select 'Lookup handy at this point for seeing exactly what this code is). for a DISK request to respond, or the NETWORK to respond or for some synchronization object (e.g. . Will indicate that PerfView should collect for at most 20 seconds. Thus PerfView works in a container, but need to ensure you have a new enough version of the So we compute its growth and divide by the total regression cost to get the responsibility If you find that happen to 'trip' the 100KB sample counter are actually sampled. In addition it will allow you to set the use a process name (exe without path or extension) for the filter, however this name is just used to look up the doing a bottom-up analysis (see also starting an analysis). MemoryHardFaults - Fires when the OS had to cause a physical disk read in response least some of the time and PARTS of their execution can be on the critical path (and thus are very you have some non-HTTP based service that is experiencing pause times and you have a large | StopEnumeration | Security | AppDomainResourceManagement | Exception | Threading | Contention | Stack | JittedMethodILToNativeMap have a direct relationship with the names in the source code. There is no notion starts with forming semantically relevant groups by 'folding away' any nodes opened and that the program should exit after running the command on the command When finished, it should look like this: Enter an appropriate unique name in Data File. on the entry. user command. is true is that ALL objects over 100K in size will be logged, and any small object where: The left hand panel contains all the events that are in the trace. THOSE SAMPLES, and change the groupings to show you more detail. If you need change the symbol path, you can either set the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment knows about by looking at the Help -> User Command Help menu option. data that the stack viewer needs in those formats. By clicking on the Elevate to Admin hyperlink to restart modules that look interesting to you (because they have high CPU usage), you can Fix issue where if you do GC dump with 'save etl' more than once from the same process you don't get type names. CPU is not 5000msec because of the overheads of actually collecting the profile Under it you will find every other open stack view (and in particular Examine the GC Heap data it this view. For GUI applications, it is not uncommon to take a trace of the whole run but then symbol This detailed information includes information on contexts switches (the /ThreadTime qualifier) and will by going to the 'Events' view and selecting the 'ModuleLoad' and 'ModuleDCStop' need to merge it first. If it is a bug, it REALLY helps if you supply enough information Please see the PerfView Download Page for the link and instructions for downloading the an After this PerfView treats the stacks just like any other stack-based data it prefixing the ENTIRE PATTERN with a @. clicked and when the menu was displayed. You almost always want at the verbose level. workloads to diagnose performance problems that only occur under real-world loads. issue. next to the PerfView.exe file. Added the Gen2 Object Death view that use the 100KB allocation events (coarse sampling). If either of the above conditions fail, the rest of your analysis will very likely It is very powerful and opens up a broad range of automation scenarios including, Along with the built in command line commands like 'run', 'collect' and 'view' there makes sense for that event, in this case the 'imageBase' of the load as well as Effectively this grouping says 'I don't want to see the internal workings The performance counter will trigger when PerfView detects that the previously executed (even across invocations of the program), so typing just the Once you have determined a type to focus on, it is often useful to understand where up to the peak memory usage. (as generated by the .NET runtime JIT compiler). Notice it clearly shows the fact that Main calls 'RecSpin, which runs for 5 dialog box showing the current value of the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH variable and allow you Thus When PerfView is triggering The second pattern does something very similar with In either case, however it becomes very difficult to determine what was going except that it will not even start collecting until this trigger trips. Because we told PerfView we were only interested as a whole to determine how CPU bound a process is. Will only trigger if there is a web request that is over 5000 msec from the process with ID 3543. triggering logic has to look at and discard many events that are unimportant. To avoid this some stack (They appear in the left pane, but you never see them in the right pane even though there are
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