Indeed, the term Iberian comes from the name Eber, the forefather of the Hebrews. In Egypt, a son could offer a stone to his parents, or to mark the birth of a new baby." "For the Maya, they represented rulers or the history of rulers. The Apostle Paul, in discussing how Christians are the true descendants of Abraham, wrote these words: Galatians 3:7-Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. Meanwhile, Willerslev's team detects ancestry related to the present-day Mixe, an Indigenous group from Oaxaca in Mexico, spreading to South America about 6000 years ago and North America about 1000 years ago. There is not, perhaps, any one language or speech, except the Hebrew and the Indian American, which has not a great many prepositions. They have several major similarities, like the basic influence of a strong supernatural force, that intruded to a total chaos and created the land, animals, humans and other parts of the environment. The Family Trees Of Egyptian, Greek, And Norse Gods Native Americans were beaten, tortured and even killed so other Native Americans would change cultures. That's a largely familiar picture of themigration, albeit with much more precisedating. He recorded the similarities within the Cherokee culture, traditions, laws, feast days and more that are similar or identical to the Torah that was given to the Jews and Gentiles at Mount Sinai. DNA gleaned from a roughly 14,000-year-old fragment of a human tooth suggests that people inhabiting a surprisingly large swath of Asia were the ancestors . Is it true that the Native Americans are descendants of the - Quora The Cherokee kept no idols per their ancient religious laws. Let us examine another aspect of their presence in the ancient New World. Mayan Pyramids vs. Egyptian Pyramids Lesson Plan Idea But the mainstream scientific community is far from embracing the theory that Native Americans descended from ancient Middle-Eastern or Greek peoples as Yates and some others have proposed. For decades, scientists could describe the peopling of the Americas only in broad strokes, leaving plenty of mysteries about when and how people spread across the continents. 9 Strange Similarities Between Greek And Indian Mythology - Storypick The term Iberian proclaims Hebrew roots. The People need to know these stories. Today American/Egypt is ruled by Rome/England-Pope. People will usually treat you accordingly. Atia may refer to Attica, a historical region encompassing the Greek capital, Athens. Note how about 30% of American land lies EAST of the River, with the other 70% WEST. As a believer who has heard Gods Word (that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for your sins, be buried, and rise again the third day-1 Corinthians 15:1-8), why not today believe in Him (John 8:24), repent of your sins (Luke 13:3), confess your faith in Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 6:12), and be baptized this very hour (Acts 2:38-41)? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. The Ancient Egyptian Creation Story - Projeda The slavery numbers was extremely wrong. Required fields are marked *. In Salinan Indian Creation Story, there are resemblances both to Greek mythology and to the Bible. A primary focus of Black History Month is on individuals of African descent, but as African American physical anthropologist C. Montague Cobb (1939) reminds us, African Americans descend from Native Americans as well. Similarities between African Religions and Native American Religions In the Judeo-Christian myth, God created the Earth first then he created water, the sun, and the plants and animals. The signal doesn't appear in any other of the team's samples, "somehow leaping over all of North America in a single bound," says co-author and archaeologist David Meltzer of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. lnteresting examples of masks with accessories such as sun disks as ritual regalia can be illustrated from the Hopi tradition. Only men could be Pharaohs and in most of their paintings woman are behind the pharaohs or the males. The Mayan pyramids were built mostly between the 3 rd and 9 th century AD by the Maya, a Mesoamerican civilization that arose around 1500 BC. Dont yet have access? DNA discovery reveals relatives of ancient Egyptians | CNN The Diversity of Native American Religion. Meanwhile, other groups headed south. Native American Fetish What I thought was most similar was that both of these groups see the natural and the supernatural together rather than separate. Everyone in a tribal culture is valued and has a duty to uphold for the greater good of everyone. Do anyone check the document census records, probate court records to confirm the slavery? Over the past twenty-five years of research into ancient civilisations, [] . Since the ancient lowan stele shows these groups were traveling and working together as far from the Mideast as the interior of North America indicates that this alliance clearly did have the international power and impact the Bible attributes to it. 45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arzareth. The Relevance of Native America to Black History. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Two independent studies, published in Cell and online in Science, find that ancient populations expanded rapidly across the Americas about 13,000 years ago. 1040-1085 (Kindle Edition); Boring, Oregon; CPA Books). He wrote in his book The History of the American Indians: It is a very difficult thing to divest ourselves, not to say, other persons, of prejudices and favourite opinions, and I expect to be censured by some for opposing commonly received sentiments, or for meddling with a dispute agitated among the learned ever since the first discovery of America.. For example, when King David died, we are told: 1 Kings 5:1-Now Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants to Solomon, because he heard that they had anointed him king in place of his father, for Hiram had always loved David. The Egyptian society lasted from 3100 . Get more great content like this delivered right to you! Two ancient cultures we call the birth of civilization. The Chinese, however, prefer theirs in tea. The Water Beetle made the land from mud, while the Buzzard made the mountains and valleys. 10 Remarkable Similarities Between Ancient Civilizations Everything from specific numbers to ordinary animals to specific trees and plants had its place in the Cherokee existence. Chinese invented a moon cycle calendar. Among the major differences between Native American and contemporary European societies: Despite complex development, no Indian tribes developed the use of metal tools and weapons. And is there a Pyramid in Memphis, TN, just as there is in Memphis, Egypt? The Most Hight God is returning to gather his people once again and finally we will be free!!! Setting the Record Straight: Are Native American Languages Related to No. The high god of the Pawnee people, Tirawa, gave duties and powers to the Sun and Moon, the Morning Star and Evening Star, the Star of Death, and the four stars that support the sky. Notice how the Nile flows through the ENTIRE country, with about 30% of land to theeastof the River, and 70% to thewest. Chinese followed the principle of low and long buildings. Delighted as they are with the data in the new studies, scientists want more. This may be true, but if it is, they left Asia more than 20,000 years ago, which is much too long a time period for linguistic preservation to occur. Los Lunas Decalouge stone dates back to 107BCE is a 60ton limestone with Deut 27:2,3 ten commandments pliased in PaleoPhoenician surrounded by several other artifacts including a Sirius/Orion star map. "Native Americans truly did originate in the Americas, as a genetically and culturally distinctive group. Asian Americans and Native Americans Robinson, Kiana ; Smith, Raymond Arthur The purpose of this brief is to compare 'Asian Americans' and 'Native Americans'. Tanoa was the father of all fair-haired children and came from a land called Atia, he wrote. The Cherokee men and women had equal power in their society. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. Besides cooking and taking care of children, Apache women built new houses for their families every time the tribe moved. In Cherokee accounts, there was a great flood which killed the giants but YoHeWah said He would never flood the earth again. Infographic by National Geographic Society. Big fan of Robert Jordan, The Wheel Of Time series. Puzzling Connection Between Native Americans And Lost Northern European Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen who led the Science team, worked closely with the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe in Nevada to gain access to some of the new samples. Your email address will not be published. Both genders took part in storytelling, artwork and music, and traditional medicine (Sharp, 2016) With the Cherokee roles where slightly different yet very simular. A series of mysterious and uncanny architectural, artistic, and religious parallels connect the ancient Maya and Egyptian civilisations. Also note the Djoser SteppedPyramid of Saqqara(and the Pyramids of Giza pictured above), which arenttoo far from Memphis, Egypt. The data include 64 newly sequenced ancient DNA samples from Alaska to Patagonia, spanning more than 10,000 years of genetic history. There are over a hundred different world mythologies that we know of today. Europeans drawn from three ancient 'tribes' - BBC News This was shown in their gender roles. I am a Christian and Gospel preacher. Compare And Contrast Native American Creation Myths | The Ancient Egyptians and Mayans: Ten Unexplained Parallels Hispanics are not Hebrews neither are the modern day Native Americans nor any other mongoloid culture throughtout S America who possess Spanish inbreeding. The Hawaiian word that epitomized this lost world is karioi, leisure, ease, literally the same word in Greek for amusements. Acknowledging and exploring a hidden history of interaction. Their manner of delimiting time was similar, as was their custom of having a most holy place, and their designation of prophets and high-priests. For example, in the myth "The World on the Turtles Back" (25) "In the Sky-World there was a man who had a wife, and the wife was expecting a child" This is a Native . Incorrect the Negros today are the Native American their numbers, history, genocide and oppression have been overlooked by historians. The myth says, "When the world was finished, there were as yet no people, but the Bald Eagle was the chief of the animals. Okay, if we suppose to been in slavery then that means everybody would have in slavery, but there were more free meteors than slaves negroes. Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as . It is obvious the ancient traditions were the same despite the vast distance separating these cultures. Home / / native american and egyptian similarities. Theyre rule came from the Pharaohs and all his wealth came from the smaller poorer people at the bottom who were forced to pay up to him. The Ramayana took place after Ravana. TRUE Locations Of Israel AND Jerusalem FOUND!! Several Cherokee elders from Quallah boundary told me they were descendants of Israelites.In the early 18th century James Adair, a Hebrew scholar, lived for forty years among the Cherokee. This could be evidence of American Indians adapting to the western world, but it is merely a photograph taken for a photographer's album. All rights reserved. High Priests of both cultures wear white cotton cloak, 72 bells, a sleeveless jacket, and a breastplate set with 12 stones. They would determine whether or not their clan would go to war, and this was seen when all the men gathered at the market place to discuss what to do after men from Mbaino killed a girl from Umuofia. The Navajos grew cotton so they could make woven items like blankets; the Navajo would then trade the woven items to get things like bison meat, and other things that could be used to make tools or weapons. Call the Star Mountain it is said we observed the $1 Star of Bethlehem from there. Similarities Between Greek Mythology And American Mythology After that population turnover in South America, both teams see striking genetic continuity in many regions. 44 For the Most High then wrought signs for them, and stayed the springs of the River, till they were passed over. The Similarities & Differences of the Aztec Mayans and the Incas Comparison of Native American and African Religions Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were both river valley civilizations and among the earliest agrarian societies. Just before The Exodus. Love to get to know people and meet them where they are. The competingteams, neither of which knew what theother was up to until the last minute, arestill trying to reconcile and make sense ofeach other's data. NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. Aliens and Economic Collapse and WWIII, Oh My! Please make a tax-deductible gift today. He states the Cherokee linguistic structure is almost identical to the Hebrew language. The Iroquois Native American Indians are known for smoking or chewing their ginseng. (PDF) Some Interfaces Between Ancient Egyptian and Native American Again, we are confronted by the fact that modern academia has an almost superstitious attachment to the false dogma that nobody could have discovered America before Columbus.That these language groups were acting in such close concert with each other that they left a trilingual inscription in approximately 800- 900 B.C. | UnveilingTheTruth,, The Pagan Origins Of Buddhism And Hinduism. These are just a few of the examples that show us what could be ancient Hebraic influence among the Cherokee, as enumerated by James Adair. Let us now examine evidence that North America was both widely explored and colonized by people speaking Phoenician/Hebrew, Egyptian, and ancient Libyan. - and went through a lot of changes over their 3000+ year history. I can only speak from my experiences and memories of when this subject came up around Cherokee elders. They value women who can procreate and who can provide food. Their languages included the Semitic language shared by the Israelites and Phoenicians (with dialectal differences), Egyptian, and the language of the North African/Libyan sailors of the Egyptian navy. Prior to these studies, only six genomes older than 6000 years from the Americas had been sequenced. Copyright 2000 - 2023 The Epoch Times Association Inc. All Rights Reserved. They are one of five tribes known as the Five Civilised Tribes. The old tongue seems to have many elements of Greek, the language of Ptolemaic Egypt and ancient Judeans, he said. Because such documents are extremely rare, those interested in the Native American past also draw information from traditional arts, folk literature, folklore, archaeology, and other sources. The Relevance of Native America to Black History | Field Museum As you can see, America is modern-day Egypt, heavily embedded with sun/Sun-day worship, periods of slavery, pyramids, Sphinxes, and other phallic, abominable symbols and obelisks most notably church steeples and skyscrapers. Our regional populations are based on reference datasets representing 47 populations. Interestingly, one of the reasons the stele was initially rejected was that it contained some signs resembling Hebrew and others resembling Phoenician. 29 This ancient stele contains joint inscriptions in three ancient Languages: Iberian- Punic (a language related to and descended from Phoenician and Hebrew), Egyptian, and ancient Libyan. As in Hebrew, Native American nouns have neither cases nor declensions, wrote Adair. The Ancient Egyptian creation story is one of the oldest known to us, predating the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible codified maybe c.650 BCE) by more than two thousand years. They Came Before Columbus: The African and Others' Presence in Ancient Here's proof that there are so many similarities similarities you may have never known: When you first look at modern Egypt today, what do you see? Isaiah 11:11 as well as joel 3:19. None of the Amerindian languages bear any linguistic resemblance to Asian languages. Atia was said to be a place full of high alabaster temples, one of which was very spacious, and was built as a meeting-place for gods and men. At this place, one found sporting competitions, games, feasts to the gods, meetings of great chiefs, and the origin of wars that caused people to spread over the Pacific. The Ancestral Pueblosthe Anasazi, Mogollon, and Hohokambegan farming in the region as early as 2000 BCE, producing an abundance of corn. Yates said Tanoa may refer to a Greek. The Old Testament is quite clear to inform us that there was often a close relationship between Israel and the Phoenicians. There were two regions of Egypt. The Trojan War and Ramayana 1 2 Another very interesting similarity is between Ramayan and the Trojan War. They had every different houses than many other tribes like the, Cherokee Vs. Egyptians: The Spiritual Values Of Native Americans, Their power or structure of rule was mainly run by men. The men were also expected to rule his wives and children. Tara MacIsaac is an Epoch Times reporter based in Toronto. Differences Between Greek Creation Myth and Native American - StudyMode Ancient DNA confirms Native Americans' deep roots in North and South America. Cherokee men made political decisions for the tribe. Throughout history, Egypt was one of the greatest societies for many reasons. The idea that Native Americans are descended from ancient Jews, Egyptians, or Greeks has been a controversial one for hundreds of years. As for African religions, there is no single religious branch. Some linguistic parallels have also been drawn between the Native American languages and Egyptian and Hebrew. Peter Pan (1953) displayed just about every racial reduction of Native Americans, . Similarities can be seen in different spheres such as creation of humankind or even in the story about flood. These things were important in differentiating men because it shows their self responsibility, personal achievements, and personal accomplishments. With a phallic obelisk right next to them! You make a choice of how people will see you: as a incorrigible person, or as a respectful person. Egyptians used the mummification process to preserve bodies. These scriptures are relevent to the truth you have dicovered. Some plants and animals were even singled out to show the unique qualities they were given. While the majority of the men hunted the animals and were leading the tribe as Chief, the women were in charge of tending to the husbands needs, taking care of the children, and sometimes tended to the animals as well. The Similarities and Differences Between the Egyptian and American Many distinct Native American groups populated the southwest region of the current United States, starting in about 7000 BCE. People would go to consult the Oracle whenever they had misfortune upon them and clans would never go to war unless they had consulted the Oracle first. When did American Indians arrive in the Americas? Although it is true that American Indians had little influence on modern technology and they have their own history and beliefs, their adaptation in modern US society has not flourished as much. ). (Steven Collins, The Lost Ten Tribes Of IsraelFound! Today, there are 574 recognized Native American tribes according to both federal and state governments in the United States, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.While, of course, they do not now exist as completely separate and divided groups, and the people who belong to those tribes live anywhere they want, they still do carry . While in popular usage the term myth often refers to false or fanciful stories, members of cultures often ascribe varying degrees of truth to their creation myths. Is there a connection between native American Indians and - Quora Everything in Israel is black vs yellow. Different. This might soothe them afterwards to wholly to reject it as a needless duty, especially if any of the eastern heathens accompanied them in their travels in quest of freedom.. Similar Values of Native Amercians and Puritans Essay. Any divergence from the expected haplotypes is usually attributed to an intermingling of races after European colonization, not to the genes that came with Native Americans from their origin. It did. These papers aren't the final words. They would take on feminine jobs like cooking, caring for the children, and making sure that their husband is satisfied. Native American - Native American history | Britannica across the Americas about 13,000 years ago, Earliest evidence of horseback riding found in eastern cowboys, Funding woes force 500 Women Scientists to scale back operations, Lawmakers offer contrasting views on how to compete with China in science, U.K. scientists hope to regain access to EU grants after Northern Ireland deal, Astronomers stumble in diplomatic push to protect the night sky, Satellites spoiling more and more Hubble images, Pablo Neruda was poisoned to death, a new forensic report suggests, Europes well-preserved bog bodies surrender their secrets, Teens leukemia goes into remission after experimental gene-editing therapy, Ancient DNA Links Native Americans With Europe, Ancient human parallel lineages within North America contributed to a coastal expansion, Genomic evidence for the Pleistocene and recent population history of Native Americans. After analyzing Cherokee DNA, Yates concluded, No such mix could have resulted from post-1492 European gene flow into the Cherokee Nation., So where do our non-European, non-Indian-appearing elements come from? he asked. Tribal Nations & the United States: An Introduction | NCAI Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. With no beasts of burden, their luxury goods were portable by humans feathers, jade, gold, and shells. While the similarities are so striking between the Cherokee and the Hebrew, there are other tribes in the Southeast who also shared some Hebraic similarities in their traditional ways like the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee Creek, and Haliwa- Saponi. A few of the things that Adair recorded go beyond the realm of coincidence in regard to Hebrew influence. It separates the great and hardworking from the weak and lazy (ex: Unoka). The guide "Tribal Nations and the United States: An Introduction" developed by the National Congress of American Indians seeks to provide a basic overview of the history and underlying principles of tribal governance. These reference populations are used to generate your ancestry percentages. If you have never become one of Gods children, why not be born again today? America will never confess to her crimes of the enslavement of the biblical Israelites. Throughout the story, animals help with the development of the world. what we think of as The Egyptian Pantheon is really a whole bunch of similar-but-not-identical pantheons which were mostly based in individual cities - Thebes, Heliopolis, Memphis, etc. American Indian languages includes much evidence of the exploration of American soil by ancient people with the above language groups. Language of the day: Pequot The terms Iberian and Punic indicate languages which are closely related to and descended from the Phoenician/Hebrew language of King Hirams and King Solomons navies. While the Central Band of Cherokee website has posted a summary of Yatess research, some online comments indicate that some Cherokee have been reluctant to stand behind such claims or to involve themselves in the controversy.
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