I currently use the Garmin Smart Scale so I may invest in the Withings scale. So am I a super-drafter, the king of indoor efficiency? Not sure why its hard for you to believe that there are a lot of riders under 70kgs. Ive been on a mission to get back to my racing weight in 2020. Bob, what on earth is that all about? I disagree with you on this point. angels stadium covid rules. I am not saying that everyone with a low weight on zwift is cheating, but I am suggesting that there are many who are because zwift favours light riders, and people do like to win. They do? High intensity: 30/30 and 40/20sec Rnnestad intervals like 3x (10x40/20sec). But I will, and Ill get hammered and hopefully improve. If someone dopes so they do 4w/kg then they should be racing with other people who do 4w/kg. yea but realistically is it worth it for them to dedicate the resources to that $$$$$$$, Well, thats good news. Not knowing what to pick and with minutes until the my first race, I selected the C group and was thus filtered out of the Zwift Power race results when I then posted a 4.00w/kg over the 28 minute race. Connecting to ZwiftPower - Zwift Support Zwift How-To: Adjusting Your Trainer Difficulty | Zwift MyRead more . Thank you for signing up to The Pick. 1 - Manually Set Your FTP Let's say you already know your FTP, then you can go into Zwift and manually change it to whatever you'd like. Once I hit 185 its either sit up and catch my breath of fall of the bike. If it is.. someone must be able to point me to the rule where it says that it is forbidden..? yes, but you are missing my point. The rule set for the categories is so simple yet Id bet >99% dont understand it, to my knowledge cyclingRead more . Kudos to Zwift for listening to their customers and admitting they made a mistake. 2. I have been light and I have been heavy. How-To: Adjusting the Difficulty of a Workout | Zwift Updating Your Public Profile - Zwift Their hr should also correspond, which they often dont. Hahahahaha. See how you can support Zwift Insider! Everyone else in the race is riding flat out (your own HR was 174bpm) but these guys are just cruising along watching their watts and are then able toRead more , Not sure its that simple I am a heavy category C racer, and (funnily enough) finished 5th in both my recent Crit City races with average HR of 153 and 150. The only place where being heavy helps is on the decent, which are almost all short (except Ventoux and Alpe de Zwift), and as a heavy guy (85kgs) I need to recover on the decent. If you were to meet meRead more . Privacy Policy, How to Race on Zwift (Setup, Strategy, and More). I would say 1kg or more is more normal. I agree with your idea. I have a Withings scale and in the Zwift Settings, it shows up as connected. However, I have a lighter and faster son that smokes me head to head. So its not that easy for light people to hide in the pack and benefit from the draft in Zwift, which is half the reality (in many ways its easier IRL). In IRL there is a double draft. They are not, and never were, skill classes of any kind (ie. Stick a few more kgs on to stop you getting upgraded, would that get you a ban? The default position is midway between "Off" and "Max," or 50 percent of the grade resistance you'd find while riding the same grade of hill in the real world. Monthly weigh ins arent perfect but they are better than no weigh ins. I think one of the biggest issues with weight (and height) in Zwift is that you get punished really hard for something you only have limited control over. Now head back to ZwiftPower, click 'Connect' at the top of the page, then enter your Zwift ID in the box when prompted. I use Zwift to get in shape and prepare for outside riding. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. But then you could have someone in the same age group who maxes out at 170. Im sure it happens, but I would guess its pretty rare certainly less of a problem than normal weight doping. Everything you need to know about the third-party Zwift results and analysis website. Cyclingnews is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. If I wanted to win I just drop my weight to 65kgs 350w/65kgs is a lot better than 350w/85kgs, of course 350w/65kg is better than 350w/85kg, its a massive increase in w/kg. How many cyclists do you see in real life who are 65kgs, but they are ten a penny on Zwift. Terms of Use/DMCA Copyright Policy Share your thoughts below, and you may also wish to share those thoughts on the actual forum post. If I am racing I want to be able to look across at the guy/girl next to me (ie on the Companion app) and get an idea if they are going to kill me on the next hill, or not are they a 185cm/90kg guy versus my 172cm/74kg. Just sign up for A races from now on. Im not sure Id say the algorithms help heavier riders in descents. I completely agree with the last paragraph here. On one occasion I entered a flat race (Laguardia Loop) following my ZP category (class C), finished almost three minutes down (though since it was a small field I still got third place), and then was disqualified for averaging 3.6 w/kg and 206 watts. In order to ride with him I have to drop my weight to allow me to keep up. The categories currently used in most Zwift events are based on your FTP watts per kilothat is, your FTP in watts, divided by your weight in kilograms. Todd_S (Todd S) March 12, 2015, 3:09am #4 I'm new to the app. I am a long time racer in NorCal and cheating is cheating. I mean youve both got a point. Not too many people actually want to see other peoples height or weight except to be able to verify race results are reasonable. So its not Zwift putting you at a disadvantage but the situation itself, just as you would be in the real world in that situation. Seeing someone race cat A/B on Zwift and then be at the back of the age group pack in a local tri/ bike race canRead more , I understand what you are saying, but the average racer who can legitimately churn out x watts/ kilo for minutes on end will be doing more with that than just being a zwift warrior (if they are getting onto the road to really ride and not just commute), and, traffic lights or not, their real-world rides will at least give resemblance to their zwift output, even if only for certain segments at a time. ZwiftPower Height & Weight Changes Postponed | Zwift Insider Manually change your weight in Zwift by adding 10 pounds. If other people want to obsess about my weight thats up to them but I wont. If you need to cheat to get the results you want then why even bother. Though our intent is to protect potentially vulnerable users by removing labels that can trigger unhealthy behaviour What are they trying to protect? This covers name changes as well as weight/height changes during an event. A thank you to Zwift HQ for listening to the feedback from the racing community and taking action. Im glad our collective voice was heard on this one, In the future, well continue to bring potential product ideas and changes to members of the Zwift Racing Community, with the hope that youll embrace this as a collaborative effort to help shape the experience.. In the many B races i have done it was more fun because i was competitive. Its a huge problem. Fluctuations of a few percent would be tolerated and percent change would be displayed on ZP. Zwift doesn't need a fancy code fix, they don't need special anti-cheat software, special post race investigations, and they don't need to change anything other than when the game updates personal attributes. As a 59/60kg rider who always seems to have a higher w/kg than the people I finish around, Ive been curious about adding 50% to both my weight and http://ftp. This would cover submission and review of a private video showing height and weight which would result in a check mark on ZP showing this rider was height/weight verified. It's also possible to filter results and data by categories, such as different age or power ranges. All rights reserved. How doRead more . Living at 5,900 ft. adds a performance restriction on me, I get it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The best solution would be for Zwift to actively monitor all racing for people cheating. But the vast majority do not. this is how it is in real life , big ian stannard putting in hard fast miles on the front for (was) team sky , while all the small guys tuck in the peloton getting drafted along saving energy for later on in the race , because they can`t compete on the flat with the big boys . I guess I shouldnt be surprised. Blaming Zwift for allowing cheaters is the system problem that gets more people frustrated, upset, etc. If you're putting out enough power, then you can make your way up the ranks and keep on racing. My power to weight is decent at about 4w/kg. Once you have a number for your FTP in watts, divide it by your weight in kilograms. Gain a few (virtual) pounds. Most of my ZwiftRead more . Joining ZwiftPower isn't the most straightforward series of steps, but we've broken it down so you can get started as soon as possible. Updating Your Privacy Settings in Zwift Companion To update your default privacy settings, sign in to the Zwift Companion (ZC) app on your iOS or Andro. Garmin sets your zones based on your maximum heart rate, while Zwift defines it as 76 to 90 percent of your Functional Threshold Power (FTP), which is the highest power you can sustain for 20 . Im older heavier and relativily fit. As soon as there is a single bit of flat cheerio! Why you can trust Cyclingnews Doing this will bring up a box at the bottom of the browser showing a web address something similar to: https://s3-fit-prd-uswest2-zwift.s3.amazonaws.com/prod/000000/a2e1b7f8-27610843. What particularly annoys me is being beaten by light but moderately powerful riders doing individual time trials on flat courses. As we said in the first post, Assuming race organizers can access the data via ZwiftPower, and the site includes simple tools for spotting potential weight or height dopers (perhaps flagging those who made dramatic changes recently), then hiding weight and height data from the public should work swimmingly.. I have been cycling since I was a kid and now close to 50. Heavy riders not only have a huge advantage on down slopes (the steeper the more advantage); they also have an advantage on the flats; its only when it gets to above 5%+ you can start to break a heavier rider. As an ambitioned A Racer with no smart scale, I stick to the higher end of the spectrum when setting my Zwift weight once a week. Im surprised that (off wheel) smart trainers dont have the ability to weigh the rider when they get on the bike. 5 year age categories and incredibly competitive a in most age groups, Thanks so much for your helpful comment. We remain committed to protecting the health and well being of the broader Zwift Community, and we look forward to enacting additional measures in the future. The issues with e-racing remain the same, and largely ignored for years now. Race specific phase: 3x10min 50-60rpm intervals with . It just makes a mockery of the whole system. nothing less. Head to http://my.zwift.com/ and hover your mouse cursor over the 'Download' button under one of your activities. If I feel happy in my body thats the most important thing for me, and why I rarely weigh myself. There is no disqualification for going over your w/kg limit. It's a real community hub. .Personally I one of the outliers on height and weight. Incrasing virtual weight would probaly downgrade me to B again. Maybe they should display and categorise HR as a %age? Have you considered drinking during a race? It's harder than real racing. Im not heavy (68kg), have a typical climber/TT phenotype (no short sprint but good FTP). The Ultimate Undetectable Weight Cheat on Zwift : r/Zwift - reddit 2022 Primr RWB League - Cycling Ireland eRacing Winter League. All lists are full of 190cm lads weighting 65kgs. In a race not in Zwift it is very easy for people to recongize who I am. A good rule we follow is to take our FTP divide it by 3 and then put that in as our weight (in Kilograms). otherwise no way in hell hes beating you. Unless a youth rider, height is generally going to remain the same. Zwift: your complete guide: Everything you need to know - BikeRadar I know a woman who is 5 feet tall and almost 200lb. Find out more about how we test. Here it is in its entirety: Last week we outlined a number of planned changes to address harassment and further safeguard the health and wellbeing of the Zwift Community. People still rode at B level pace in a C group. Youve got people putting out 5+ watts/kilo atRead more . Thanks! 5x5min, 4x8min but definitely never longer than 8 minutes. And besides, my main goal on Zwift is to not get dropped in the hills during Team Cryo-Gens more hardcore Saturday rides! Some weight dopers are obvious and blatant other times its much less egregious. Especially for the C and D groups but even for the Bs albeit to a lesser degree. I rode outside last night, and Im sure I will again soon. In reality no under 12 is competing with a decent 2nd or 3rd cat (UK system) Ive ridden with enough talented youth riders that this is fact so letting young kids crush half decent amateurs on zwift would be unrealistic. if youre on zwift and intentionally cheating to get whichever fake virtual badge or win whichever fake virtual place in a race, then youre real-life literal loser. There is no cat C rider at 58kg who has a hope in hell of beating me in any race. The Tour de Zwift events this year were much moreRead more , Wait. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. (a is tough and im struggling at max h/r for most of the race).Ive gone from 87kgs to 80 kgs in this time and feel fitter than ever. I use my average weight but I feel; guilty because my weight tends to fluctuate by 0.5K or more during the week depending on how much I eat during the day really interested to learn that there is a scale that auto updates Zwift.
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