The Kelley family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. A death was a monetary setback, but far cheaper than killing a more expensive African. This article tries to make it seem as if black slaves had it far better than Irish slaves or indentured servants. The field needs to be tilted in the other direction for a few decades before we can be on level ground. Slavers were greed driven sadists. 1. But why are these fanatics so triggered and butthurt about this, why they try to deny this crime so obsessively? (To the author- great article, well expressed. My entire family ancestry is from the island of Montserrat. The term " black Irish " refers to persons of Irish descent who are supposed to be descendants of the Spanish Armada, which sailed around the middle of the 15th century, and had dark hair and or eyes. All this purity has got to go, and the truth come out!!! Impregnating Black slaves was a way to increase the wealth of the slave owners. When such a small society is reduced in such a short time by nearly half (during the famine) theres a whole host of socio-phycological problems that ensue, one youll be familiar with we often make light of now a days when it comes to The Irish is: alcoholism, but also extreme poverty, broken families, etc, which Im sure you can relate with as a member of the African American community in the United States am I right? We are truly brothers and sisters lets keep recording history and see if we can make the future better for everyone. A less cruel owner with black slaves who do not forget were more valuable, would treat them better than a meaner person with Irish, and visa versa. Are we interested in championing numbers or political views here? We fight hatred with success. Instead of having to round up the rebellious and often unreliable Irish, the African trade was already packaged and ready for sale. One last point, as a professor in irish are some accredited sources on irish slavery, you shouldnt get your sources from Wikipedia or any other non accredited website!!!!!!, Some good explanations of the term Black Irish: King James II and Charles I also led a continued effort to enslave the Irish. Of which you can incarnate into any body next time around. The Irish in this group would be the ones who were protestant (sometimes referred to as Scot-Irish) and were pro-England. Indentured is a form of slavery. One last thing, the only person / historian if you can really call him that ,since he is really just a flippin Englishman from Ireland .really he is descended from English lords which is why he is on ten different websites promoting irish slavery is a myth. The turnover would not be that high if whites treated enslaved blacks with even a modicum of kindness. Moonshine? And when the draft riots kicked off in New York city a lot of those Irish and Italians turned their hatred and attention on the African Americans!!! Did they feel they had a moral obligation to not support slavery? Irish surnames stand out like a sore thumb. Some people wallow in the past and stay the victim. In fact, some African tribal leaders were profited from the slave trade by allowing and assisting slave traders in raiding their enemies land. As things evolved though the change from indentured to enslaved came in a big way because of the darker skin tone making it easier to identify runaways and the popularity of black Africans entering a lifetime period of slavery is why indentured servitude was replaced with full on actual slavery. Debating its distinctions is appalling and only has in place in academia and never in culture or politics. You see Irish people as part of your oppressors because they have the same skin colour, and you resort to the exact racial slurs and derogatory comments that the white English used against them the same white English that oppressed YOUR ancestors. If they existed they were unenforceable because Irish did not have to change their race to blend in and be accepted. After Cromwell there was such a situation, that later was deemed less desirable in a cost/benefit calculation, because of Irish poverty they could get the same benefit by using indentured servitude.*footnote. So, f**ck the traitorous bastards. Africans were *things*. Britains solution was to auction them off as well. Carran A spelling variant of Curran, this Irish surname is an anglicized form of ' Corraidhin' referring to 'descendant of Corraidhin.' The word Corraidhin is derived from 'Corradh' which means 'little spear.' Until then, Africans were primarily indentured servants, just like the Irish and other white immigrants to the New World. Think about this; slavery is a serious business and slaves are property like cattle, horses, sheep etc. Your email address will not be published. Inquire at- Not really, because its obvious, in which sickins me, I grew up born and raised in San Francisco CA. It is also possible that within the various Irish cultures that became established in America that there was a pecking order, a class system that saw some of their countrymen labeled as "black.". So they forgot where there came from, slavery and became slavers or helped them. The history of the Irish enslavement should not be swept under the rug. In part, bigotry came into play in order to ease the conciseness of individuals who partook of the benefits of slavery. No. the Germans claimed that no Jews were being murdered but they were lying too. The Irish language was nearly extinct and was only spoken in very remote parts of the country for a long period of time. Murphy 2. Sign up to IrishCentral's newsletter to stay up-to-date with everything Irish! I also have enslaved Africans in my lineage who have an Irish surname. Were these apprentices chattel? This is not new information, I have always known about this since I was a small child, my family has always spoke about it, we always wondered why the Irish themselves did not voice it more, was it to securely assimilate into the other parts of white culture, they have done just that, not sure if it is secure or not, but sometimes you wont know if someone is Irish unless you ask them. From there I started seeing more videos and posts speaking on Irish slavery., My last name is Doyle since I been on Facebook Ive learned there is alot of people in Jamaica with last name as mine I am in Chicago and its alot of us scattered through the city but it very nice to know we are Doyles all over the world beautiful black people. In Gaelic, the Irish native language, the word for black (or dark) is dubh, and foreigner is gall. There is an ancient fable that Wulfricus Niger, otherwise . Fourth, historically the highest amount of interethnic marriage between two ethnic groups post civil war are Irish and African. What utter pointless nonsense is this!? Therefore, this is a moot point and if youve somehow drawn that conclusion on your own, it speaks more to your intellect and character than true facts. Ever heard of Spartacus? good response Gary for putting a Blog into perspective. This type if reporting saddens me and is quite irresponsible. Remember one thing and one thing slavery did happen in the Americas and in the West Indies! The Irish were never slaves, they were indentured servants. My Mom is Caucasion and Scottish. The Merchant Princes of Belfast (West India Traders) where rebuked by Thomas McCabe the Watchmaker of North Street for attempting to establish the slave trade there. and; And a minority of slave owners were also black. That meant they came here and worked their debt off and paid for their freedom. Maine had the highest population of Blake families in 1840. It is not a contest it is a reminder that many people suffered under the ruling monarchies of England. However, a whopping 50 to 80 million people around the globe are thought to share in Irish ancestry. As far as the name changes it was probably due to pronunciations not so much of stripping the names, doubt the traders/owners cared either way, whatever would be easiest. Interesting read. Its like saying, Im personally offended by you not because of your genetics but because of your race!. No need to compare the two as slavery in any form or fashion is wrongno matter to what extent it was practiced. There is, also, very little question that those brown, tanned faces you witness in your travels to the West Indies are very likely a combination of African and Irish ancestry. Early Origins of the Black family. I was crying, but I wouldnt changed the colors of how I seen Jesus. If you look at census lists or the property lists of white planters, you will see that their human property were only given first names. I can trace my Ancestry on my Maternal Grandmothers (Fathers) side of the Family Tree back to Ireland. 9. History is on the table not politics, but I fully embrace the author of the blog to provide sources in effort to clear up all the confusion thats been created. With this, Irish people and families began to associate with the collective surname of ODubhghaill. They fought their fellow Irishmen in the Confederate army who had similiar motivations. Note: It was pointed out to me that there is a difference between indentured servitude and slavery. Cole -- a short name that embodies a lot of richness and depth -- has long been associated with the great songwriter Cole Porter. Northern Irish football player Alex Higgins is one of the most well-known people with this surname. If you dont think so then sign over your person to an employer for a while and tell me if that feels like service. Take a look inside Dublin's most stylish townhouse, Number 31, JFK's words remind us of the true meaning of St. Patrick's Day. A second article. Regardless of the disputable facts of this particular article; Whites have been/are subjected to same level of cruel slavery as well. It is possible that the term "Black Irish" may have referred to some of these immigrant groups as a way of distinguishing them from the "Gaels," the people of ultimately Celtic origin. Variant of Donoghue. Maybe its time we stop fighting with each other and start learning from each other? The African slave adapted readily to the tropical conditions of the West Indies,but they had to be purchased, whereas the Irish were hunted down like rabbits in their homeland, and were free of charge for the taking. In time, the English thought of a better way to use these women (in many cases, girls as young as 12) to increase their market share: The settlers began to breed Irish women and girls with African men to produce slaves with a distinct complexion. if you dont believe it, then so be it, I want to believe it because I know the lady very well, that shared another ladies work for us, be kind to one another, because the good book says we are all related, because of Adam and Eve. I met this white Irish woman she said we were labeled as the mean black Irish. Television host Dermot OLeary is one of the most famous bearers of the name. Im curious. American journalist, author, and former television host Bill OReilly is one of the most famous people with the surname OReilly. O'Brien 7. Variant of Doherty. The slave owners of my ancestors were Dingles. The term is commonly used to describe people of Irish origin who have dark features, black hair, a dark complexion and dark eyes. The Gaelic word for foreigner is "gall" and for black (or dark) is "dubh.". Communicating with an African would have been a completely different matter, and names would have been unpronounceable and incomprehensible to any white slave owner. I am not judging anyone here I am just making observations and that is what I have observed. Your comment about liberals is also misdirected, they dont seem to be making the argument for Irish slavery. Its really amazing to see once you notice it. Full history, EXPLAINED. Ever wonder how a lot of African Americans have Irish last names? But, are we talking about African slavery? Irish were indentured servants, never slaves. They live as second class citizens and are called red-legs and red-necks etc by the rest of the population due to their fair skins getting burned by the sun. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Begin typing your search above and press return to search. This explains why many of my DNA ancestors carry Mitochondrial European DNA and such high percentages. While these forced deportees would have included political prisoners and serious felons, it is believed that the majority came from the poor and vulnerable. Simply put, they could blend in and have a life. Lets not forget the largely convenient (for the British) Great Famine (one of many actually, and not the greatest either) with saw 1 to 2 million starve to death, and several more million emigration since the Plantation, settlement and colonization of Ireland. I agree. He gained his freedom in 7 years and bought land. And the extremely vague, tenuous claims as to how blacks may have acquired Irish or Scottish surnames. 1) It wasnt hundreds of thousands of them that were put to work. Karen, first and foremost thank you for your reply. The slaves that came over from Ireland where already black. also England is a lot rougher place to live than Ireland the ira keep the drugs out of catholic communitys. O'Carroll 23. slaves thus we have Irish names like McFadden, McDonalds ~ I think you will find McDonals is a Scottish name. Such things only serve to bring further division among human beings. II, 1656-1662. that because they werent born into chattel their plight isnt worth acknowledgement. Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the masters free workforce. In a generation where so much information is consumed via hearsay or processed by means of social media, oftentimes, we can forget to dig into research like in the old days. Like many ancient lands, Ireland has seen the arrival of settlers, explorers, ancient tribes, and clans of all different nationalities over centuries. Perhaps this is were we can find common ground and open the conversation of race relations. Its my understanding that there are still people enslaved, although it is done secretly, and/or the laws are manipulated to accommodate itbut its still happening, yet today. Its a human one! There are many different races from different parts of the world, all with their own diverse history that share the same or similar skin colors. They owned the land in Ireland too where Catholic Irish worked on their lands. In the 1940s what were the Jews in Germany? Last name: Black. I assumed it had transferred from plantation owner to slave but instead it seems like it transferred from Irish slave to African slave. Example, the habitual practice of African slaves being thrown off ships in transit and subsequently drowned/murdered , so slave owners could claim insurance. Interesting write up Eddie McFields. Think about this; slavery is a serious business and slaves are property like cattle, horses, sheep etc. 3) their children and grandchildren were not automatically enslaved or indentured from birth and were free, 4) they were not forced to forget their history, culture religion during their agreement to be indentured. Slavery, in any oppressive, dehumanizing form is wrong! THATS why many Irish treated blacks in America and its also why many blacks treated Irish badly. Most of these people in america are full of hate poisoned by their governments through their food, water and air. In terms of our subject matter, the first major invasion would have been the Norman invasions from European countries in Ireland in 1170 and 1172. For example, I am irish and my name in Irish is Aine Maire OFallanhaim, but it was Anglicized to Ann Marie Fallon by the British. But nowadays American people ( so called african americans and redneck irish) are all dumbed down, thats why you are fighting to be the worst treated slaves. Slavery is age old and always horrific. A quick review of Irish history reveals that the island was subject to a number of influxes of foreign people. Is not because of Irish slave owners, no erase that foolishnessdont think Gone With The Wind and the OHara plantation. Ryan (30795) ? Irish slaves suffered as much as black people did so they married each other?? Those issues are the racism, the bigotry and the discrimination we face daily. Think about their rage The fighting irish especially 100 years ago you wouldnt have not one Irishman admitting they were ever slaves ( they would talk about it amongst themselves, but never with outsiders whom werent real irish. Reblogged this on Eccentric and Bent and commented: Thank you. This fact is recorded in ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Indeed this criminalisation of the poor continues into the 21st century. They were opposed by the native Irish (as they still are today), and as compensation given land and status in the New World. The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. Perhaps I missed something in the text. And to recognise that slowly humanity is discovering the idea of liberty, equality, human rights. I have noticed since I was very young that a full one-third or more (approximately) of mixed race couples I see there will be a black male and a red headed white female. The Normans were dark in complexion, often with dark hair and eyes. Blacks could not blend in to normal society because most Blacks where slaves and most were not educated and they were not accepted in major segments of the country as entirely human. Irish slavery is *not* a myth, nor is it a lie. Famous Healys include musicians Matt Healey and Una Healey. I never heard of Irish chattel slavery until the last few years. Should you be keen to learn more about Irish names, check out some of these articles: The 10 most popular Irish surnames worldwide, Top 100 Irish Surnames & Last Names (Family Names Ranked), Top 10 Irish surnames youll hear in America, The top 20 most common surnames in Dublin, The 10 Hardest to Pronounce Irish Surnames, 10 Irish surnames that are always mispronounced in America, Top 10 facts you never knew about Irish surnames, 5 common myths about Irish surnames, debunked, 10 actual surnames that would be unfortunate in Ireland, 100 popular Irish first names and their meanings: an A-Z list, 20 Most Popular Irish Gaelic Baby Names Today, Top 20 HOTTEST Irish Girl Names Right Now, Most popular Irish baby names boys and girls, The 10 hardest to pronounce Irish first names, Ranked, Top 10 Irish boy names that nobody can pronounce, 10 Irish First Names You Rarely Hear Anymore, Top 20 Irish Baby Boy Names Thatll Never Go Out of Style, How DNA kits can tell you how Irish you are. This is what I could find so far: No statistical reference to Ireland at least on Ancestry: The more I think about this article, the sadder I become knowing that most of you believe its lies. January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate. This proclamation lasted 200 years ,ending some 9-13 years before Black Slavery Emancipation. African tribes were happy to take slaves during wars, and more than happy to sell them on to arab and european traders. Yes they did. I have been unsuccessful with finding all the data you have, will you please site the sources from your research? At what point did marrying an Irish person stop being illegal and considered bestiality? Why because only blacks get to claim such horrible treatment of their people? My ancestors were lucky to survive this part of history. Am Afro-American. Only problem how did the irish slaves keep their names. It would be interesting to know why they are attracted to each other. Race was judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. There is a prevailing debate amongst the commentators that leaves me with strong feelings of indignation. There are absolutely no records of this crap, only modern lore that is bandied about as long lost truths. Black Surname Meaning Black is a Scottish surname primarily. The same empire founded the North American Colonies. The subject of Irish slavery is not spoken about too much. Protestant landholders? British actress and screenwriter Emer Kenny is one of the most well-known Kennys.
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