COVID-19 recovery. Penang police chief Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain observed that factors driving the rise in domestic violence were pressure and stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also known as social issues sometimes. This is also one of the major social issues in India. Malaysia has since experienced other economic fallouts, such as the global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, but its effects were comparatively small, with only a drop of 1.5 per cent in GDP. If a unions recognition request was approved, the employer sometimes challenged the decision in court, leading to multiyear delays in recognizing unions. Exercising the right to vote is one of the social justice issues prioritized by the National Association of Social Workers. Malaysia Outlook 2022: Five Risks to Watch. Like in much of the world, social isolation, economic insecurity and the loss of loved ones have become major drivers of anxiety, depression, stress and other challenges. Preventing violence. In April police threatened activist and artist Fahmi Reza with sedition for mocking the queen over her Instagram posts. For children between ages 14 and 18, there was no list clarifying specific occupations or sectors considered hazardous and therefore prohibited. The law requires workers to use safety equipment and cooperate with employers to create a safe, healthy workplace, but it does not specify a right to remove oneself from a hazardous or dangerous situation without penalty. Widespread school closures due to Covid-19 may also increase risks of child marriage, as research shows that leaving education is highly correlated with girls being married off. Examples can include: Illiteracy. Baseline figures of stateless persons and persons at risk of statelessness in Sabah, where approximately 80,000 Filipino Muslim refugees resided, were unavailable. The officials were allegedly offered cash and women for sexual services to ignore the cartels activities. The Malaysian government has called for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to find effective solutions to the Rohingya crisis, declaring itself unable to take any more Rohingya refugees. Nine cabinet positions were held by women. No laws provided for the protection of members of racial or ethnic minorities or groups against violence and discrimination. Members of the Malaysian Bar Council, NGO representatives, and other observers expressed serious concern about significant limitations on judicial independence, citing several high-profile instances of arbitrary verdicts, selective prosecution, and preferential treatment of some litigants and lawyers. Government social protection policies will need continuous revisions and adjustments to bring Malaysia forward into a more equitable future. The UN panel urged the country to abolish the practice. Penalties included fines but were seldom assessed and were not commensurate with those under other laws involving denials of civil rights, such as discrimination. Other ways to share Umars wife, who viewed the body before the autopsy, said she saw swellings all over the body. According to the Malaysian Bar Council, defendants generally had adequate time and facilities to prepare a defense if they had the means to engage private counsel. Lacking citizenship, access to schooling, or other government-provided support, these children often resorted to menial labor and criminal activities to survive; those living on the streets were vulnerable to sex trafficking and forced labor, including forced begging. In 2013 the state government had awarded Sri Jengka, a semi-state government corporation, a 99-year lease on the 1,618-acre tract. Hartalega finished its reimbursements process of 41 million ringgit ($9.8 million) to existing workers who joined the firm prior to April 2019. The constitution provides for a fair and public trial, and the judiciary generally enforced this right. The law prohibits speech with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of any person.. Foreign Travel: Travel to Israel is subject to approval and limited to religious purposes. I panicked because I was made to believe that I had committed something wrong. More than 60 offenses are subject to caning, sometimes in conjunction with imprisonment, and judges routinely mandated caning as punishment for crimes, including kidnapping, rape, and robbery, and nonviolent offenses, such as narcotics possession, criminal breach of trust, migrant smuggling, immigration offenses, and others. Depression. Estimates were as high as 30 percent of the workforce. In June the Malaysia Stock Exchange removed Top Glove from its responsible investment indexes based on allegations of forced labor. The last two years saw a series of continuous and rapid political developments, starting with the change in federal government in early 2020, alongside shifts in many state governments, and ending most recently with yet another government change in August 2021. Class:Class 1 Sec 4. NGOs operated static and mobile clinics, but their number and access were limited. According to an investigation published by local media in 2018, there are no standard procedures for the practice and in some cases box cutters and stationery store blades are used. Government officials defended the practice during a UN review in 2018, when a Ministry of Health official stated that the practice was performed only by medical professionals and compared it to immunization programs for female babies. Some observers indicated that children born to Muslim refugees and asylum seekers often had an easier time obtaining citizenship than non-Muslim refugees and asylum seekers. Reproductive Rights: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. Undocumented migrants are detained during a crackdown by MalaysiasImmigration Department in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, May 20, 2020. With their shared culture, religion and a very similar language, Indonesia was the single biggest contributor of immigrants to Malaysia. Although the government allowed foreign films at local film festivals, it sometimes censored content by physically blocking screens until the objectionable scene was over. Students remain prohibited from expressing support or sympathy for an unlawful society or organization. Officers found responsible for deaths in custody did not generally face punishment. During the week preceding a July 31 Lawan (Fight) protest in Kuala Lumpur to demand the resumption of parliamentary sessions, a moratorium on the repayment of all loans, and the resignation of Prime Minister Muhyiddin for his handling of the pandemic, authorities reportedly summoned at least 20 activists, including youth activist Sarah Irdina, who was detained for 10 hours and charged with sedition for her tweet about the upcoming event (see section 1.d., Arbitrary Arrest). March 11, 2021 End Poverty, Equality, . As there is no legal framework for dealing with refugees and asylum seekers in the country, UNHCR conducted all activities related to protection, including registration and status determination. Often interesting subjects come up in the World of Online Article Authoring; this is where writers and authors write articles and put them onto the net for everyone to see or for selected Internet Companies to use as content. Share this via Twitter Despite alleged electoral irregularities and systemic disadvantages for opposition groups, Barisan Nasional lost the election to Pakatan Harapan, the first transfer of power between coalitions since independence in 1957. In September, however, the Court of Appeal overturned the High Court decision, citing improper procedures by the company in taking possession of land with a customary right claim. Unlike the government's initial response to COVID-19 or the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which involved daily press briefings with an official spokesperson, the federal administration . The law allows the detention of a material witness in a criminal case if that person is likely to flee. Freedom of the press has also come under attack. It is vindictive.. The time needed for a union to be recognized remained long and unpredictable. If found guilty, the cost of deportation generally fell to the detainee, which led to prolonged detention for those unable to pay. Eliminating systemic racism. terrific article. On July 13, the Federal Court announced that it would be taking time to deliberate before issuing a decision. First is mismanagement of the health crisis. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the biggest social issues of 2021 in this blog. Persons granted bail usually must surrender their passports to the court. As of the same date, there were 1,490 detainees younger than 21 at immigration depots and temporary immigration depots nationwide. In-country Movement: Sabah and Sarawak States controlled immigration into their areas and required foreigners and citizens from peninsular Malaysia to present passports or national identity cards for entry. The book contains a collection of writings about the 2018 general election and subsequent events compiled by editor Kean Wong. Nationwide Emergency. Multiple logistic regression shows that adolescents . Students with disabilities attended mainstream schools, but accessibility remained a serious problem. Unless trends change this year, the annual total of newborns in the world's third-largest economy is on track to hit . John Spacey, November 18, 2021. Malaysia entered the pandemic from a robust economic position but has nonetheless been significantly affected. The law requires a permit to own a printing press, and printers often were reluctant to print publications critical of the government due to fear of reprisal. Malaysia's Home Ministry reported that, as of October 26, 2020, 756 children were being held in immigration detention facilities nationwide, including 326 from Myanmar who are detained without . Federal police reported approximately 20,000 internet addresses in the country uploading and downloading child pornography. The law prohibits and criminalizes all forms of forced or compulsory labor. The board may renew the detention order or impose an order to restrict, for a maximum of five years, a suspects place of residence, travel, access to communications facilities, and use of the internet. These groups also expressed concern that some deportees might not have had their UN-issued cards with them when they were picked up and pointed out that others had applied for asylum but were awaiting assessment of their claims. The law provides for the rights to strike and to bargain collectively, but both were severely restricted. Subscribe to our Telegram channel for our latest stories and breaking news. Other buyers requested suppliers to reduce or exclude FGV and Sime Darby products for supplies entering numerous countries. For instance, Islamic inheritance law generally favors male offspring and male relatives. The cofounder of youth group Misi Solidariti, Sharon Wah, questioned along with four other activists, declared: Laws that arbitrarily criminalize speech and legitimate criticism remain on the book. In August police stopped a candlelight vigil organized by the NGO Sekretariat Solidariti Rakyat to commemorate COVID-19 victims in Kuala Lumpur and arrested 31 activists for violating infectious disease control regulations despite participants following all necessary COVID-19 standard operating procedures for gatherings. A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable and morally wrong. The director general may issue necessary directives to an employer to resolve allegations of discrimination in employment, although there were no penalties under the law for such discrimination and thus penalties were not commensurate with laws related to civil rights, such as election interference. Mental health is generally related to depression, anxiety and stress. A regulation reserves 1 percent of public-sector jobs for persons with disabilities. In September Minister of Health Khairy Jamaluddin announced that everyone in the country was eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine regardless of documentation status, but many remained skeptical. Social issues topics list relevant in 2023. The government does not recognize marriages between Muslims and non-Muslims and considers children born of such unions illegitimate. Sabri added that the government was serious about the issue, as Malaysia is a country that adheres to the religion of Islam.. Some politicians and human rights activists claimed the government used the loyalty pledge to restrain political activity among these groups. NGOs reported that stateless children in Sabah State were especially vulnerable to labor exploitation in palm oil production, forced begging, and work in service industries, including restaurants. Human rights defenders, journalists, opposition leaders and others were investigated, arrested and prosecuted for criticizing the government. A March 2021 ASEAN Today article revealed that Malaysia is experiencing an increase in mental health problems, which the existence of COVID-19 may be exacerbating. Access to Basic Services: The government provided access to health care at a discounted foreigners rate of 50 percent to UNHCR-registered refugees, but not to persons without UNHCR registration cards. By law the minimum age for consensual, noncommercial sex is 16 for both boys and girls. Police also raided her home without a search warrant. This makes up 51% of the 1,708 . The government generally restricted publications it judged might incite racial or religious disharmony. Noticeable changes in behavior, such as withdrawal from friends and family or violent and aggressive behavior, are among the many signs of potential teen suicide, but parents and mental health care providers also need to understand the causes of suicide in teens for effective prevention. It is never a dull day in Malaysian politics, but there seems to be a brief pause - for the time being. Biggest Social Issues . Domestic and international human rights groups operated subject to varying levels of government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases; however, the government was not always cooperative or responsive to their views. Commercial sexual exploitation of children existed, and a local NGO estimated in 2015, the last year with reported data, that 5,000 children were involved in sex work in Kuala Lumpur and surrounding areas. The law does not recognize marital rape as a crime. Malaysia continues to permit child marriage under both civil and Islamic law, in violation of its obligations under international law. New government buildings generally had a full range of facilities for persons with disabilities. Malaysias efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19, while generally successful, had a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. In July the Court of Appeal acquitted UMNO parliamentarian and former federal territories minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor of two million ringgit ($480,000) in corruption charges and overturned a 12-month jail sentence imposed by the High Court in December 2020. Our findings reveal that the prevalence of cyberbullying victimization and perpetrator is 13.7% and 3.8%, respectively. Malaysia continues to detain individuals without trial under restrictive laws. Protests deemed acceptable by the government usually proceeded without interference. In the paper, Economic Cost of Youth Suicide Malaysia, Relate Malaysia found that, for every youth suicide in 2019, the Malaysian economy lost RM676,165. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues in Malaysia, mental health issues are taking a growing toll across the country. 5. Advocacy groups such as the Association of Women Lawyers stated these provisions were not comprehensive enough to provide adequate help to victims. The government maintained and at times exerted control over news content, both in print and broadcast media. It has recorded more than 800,000 cases in total, but over 110,000 in the past fortnight alone. One of the largest issues in Malaysia is tension between these people groups. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress is a registered society of trade unions in both the private and government sectors that does not have the right to bargain collectively or strike but may provide technical support to affiliated members. Discrimination: The constitution prohibits discrimination against citizens based on gender and gives men and women equal property rights, although sharia, which deviates from these principles in some areas, was sometimes applied. The government bans membership in unregistered political parties and organizations. Most concerning environmental issues in Malaysia 2019. The government and politicians often incited or condoned violence or abuse of members of racial or ethnic minorities. NGOs reported that agents or employers in some cases drafted contracts that included a provision for employees to sign over the right to hold their passports to the employer or an agent. Child labor in urban areas was common in the informal economy, including family food businesses and night markets, and in small-scale industry. It lists the main causes of anxiety, stress, and depression as being social isolation, a precarious financial situation, and the loss of a loved one. In some instances companies reportedly harassed leaders of unions that sought recognition. In September the Perlis State Fatwa Committee declared that men who appear like women such as cross-dressers or transgender individuals were forbidden from entering mosques while not in gender-conforming appearances. Penang State mufti Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor suggested that transgender individuals should change their appearance if they wanted to be in mosques or suraus (Islamic assembly buildings) so that they do not look odd and avoid uncomfortable feelings among other worshippers. Representatives from the NGO Sisters in Islam observed that the fatwa and statement of the mufti not only contradicts the federal constitution but was not in accordance with inclusive Islamic traditions.. Police suspended two officers pending investigation. Moreover, racism and special privileges leave some . The inquiry against him took place behind closed doors, causing human rights NGOs to question the independence of the decision. Registering a new political party remained difficult because of government restrictions on the process. The court ruled that the money received by Tengku Adnan from a businessman was a donation to UMNO, although it was deposited into an account of a company that belonged to Tengku Adnan. Displacement. Ongoing political instability led to an emergency proclamation that suspended Parliament for the first time since 1969, followed by an unprecedented public rebuke of political leaders by the Malaysian king, and the third new government in as many years. Refugees employed in the informal sector were paid lower wages than comparable employees and were vulnerable to exploitation. The king determined that Sabri commanded a parliamentary majority and appointed him prime minister after meeting with parliamentarians, in conformity with constitutional parameters. Isa was granted a stay pending his appeal. Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the Malaysian economy is coming out of its economic trough in 3Q 2021 (GDP at -4.5% yoy) and is on the path of recovery in 2022, supported by the reopening of economic and social sectors. The 'new normal' comes with its fair share of added stresses and worries for everyone to handle. The economy factor also cause why fresh graduate unemployed. The Newcastle research found that 85 percent of workers reported paying recruitment fees and 43 percent reported taking out loans averaging more than $2,000 to cover the costs, which took nearly a year on average to repay. The Court of Appeal ruled that if the Ahmadiyya were proven to have converted from Islam, then the religious authorities would have authority over them, and sent the case back to the High Court for a determination of the original faith of the 39 plaintiffs. This study estimates the extent and distribution of jobs most vulnerable to COVID-19. Recognizing public transportation was not friendly to persons with disabilities, the government maintained its 50 percent reduction of excise duty on locally made cars and motorcycles adapted for such persons. Penalties for violations were not commensurate with those for similar crimes. On July 28, the Selangor State sharia high court charged Ibu Yati and two others with expounding religious doctrines contrary to Islamic law and spreading them through Facebook from December 2020 through February 1. Reports indicated that COVID-19 led to an increase in the number of self-employed gig employees. There were scattered reports the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings, mostly in the prison system. In April the Selangor State government issued an eviction notice to the Mah Meri Orang Asli for illegally infringing upon government land, nine days after the state governments investment arm, Permodalan Negri Selangor Bhd, had awarded a 99-year lease for 101.62 acres of land in Mukim Sepang, Selangor, to a private ecotourism development company. They were released on bail the next day. Published by Statista Research Department , Oct 5, 2022. The courts have ruled that the Orang Asli have rights to their customary lands under the constitution, but NGOs contended the government failed to recognize these judicial pronouncements. He was arrested on July 24 and remanded for investigation. Despite strong objections by opposition political parties and civil society, in 2018 the former Barisan Nasional coalition government approved redrawn parliamentary districts that critics contended unfairly advantaged Barisan Nasional through gerrymandering and malapportionment. For examples of social problems in Malaysia include crime, violence, gangsterism, drug abuse, baby dumping, vandalism, and young relationship among youth. The law provides for limited freedom of association and for certain categories of workers to form and join trade unions, subject to a variety of legal and practical restrictions. Displaced Children: Street children were most prevalent in Sabah State. The notice warned residents they could be fined up to 500,000 ringgit ($120,000), serve a five-year jail term, or both, if found guilty of the offense of building structures on government land. Malaysia's polarizing divides remain dominant and seem entrenched. In July, after Al Jazeera aired a documentary about Malaysias treatment of migrant workers during the Covid-19 pandemic, the police announced that they were investigating Al Jazeera for sedition, defamation, and violation of the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA). The plan outlined policies to increase access to education and attendance in schools, increase access to health education, address stigma and social norms on child marriage, and specify laws and guidelines on child marriages that are in line with government . In January the Selangor Islamic Religious Department detained transgender social media influencer Nur Sajat for questioning regarding an online video of her saying Islamic prayers in womens clothing in 2018. What does a boil look like after it pops? The report also alleged that one accredited election observer actively campaigned for the former Barisan Nasional government. The governments national five-year roadmap for 2021-25 targets child marriage. There were no reports of political prisoners or detainees. The government did not effectively enforce the law. Preschoolers, Year One and Year Two pupils will resume face-to-face classes on 1 March . On June 3, Umar Faruq Abdullah, a truck driver, died at the Southern Klang District police headquarters in Selangor State, a day after police arrested him for stealing a gas cylinder. Sexual Exploitation of Children: The law bans child pornography and states that a child is considered a victim of sexual abuse if he or she has taken part as a participant or an observer in any activity that is sexual in nature for the purposes of a photograph, recording, film, videotape, or performance. In July Speaker of the Lower House Azhar Harun repeatedly told female opposition members to shut up during parliamentary proceedings. True statements may be considered defamatory if they contravene the public good. The government and its supporters used these laws, along with provisions against sedition, to punish and suppress publication of material critical of government officials and policies. Representatives of these groups argued that the lines between the executive, the judiciary, and the state were very blurred and that the judiciary needed to exert more independence and objectivity. State authorities continued to deny entry to certain national leaders to these states. Abiding by the governments restrictions did not protect some protesters from harassment or arrest. We understand that pulling together the top most common and popular issue prevailing in 2021 is not simple. Hamzah announced that the Ministry of Home Affairs was installing closed-circuit television inside all police lockups in April and that installation was 40 percent complete as of September 29. In 2018 parliamentary elections, the Pakatan Harapan coalition defeated the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, resulting in the first transfer of power between coalitions since independence in 1957. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings, c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees, f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence, a. Such programs limited opportunities for non-bumiputra (primarily ethnic Chinese and Indians) in higher education and government employment. Girls age 16 and older can marry with permission of their states chief minister. . 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Malaysia, An official website of the United States Government,,,, According to MACC, authorities arrested 337 public officials for corruption and bribery from January to August. In other cases the law allows investigative detention for up to 28 days to prevent a criminal suspect from fleeing or destroying evidence during an investigation. The government also had the right to compel arbitration in the case of failed collective bargaining negotiations. For example, a government unit charged with tightening border controls posted an illustration on social media that showed armed naval vessels threatening a boat and captioned it, Rohingya migrants, your arrival is not welcome (section 2.f., Access to Asylum). In May families of 10 inmates filed police reports after their incarcerated relatives claimed to have been abused while under quarantine at Jelebu Prison in Negeri Sembilan. In August, Alladin Lanim was arrested for online child exploitation and sentenced to 48 years and six months in prison and 15 strokes of the cane after joint investigations by the Royal Malaysian Police and Australian Federal Police revealed he was sexually abusing children at a plantation in Sarawak State and sharing the material online. Forced migration and displacement are global social problems which currently affect more than 89 million people worldwide (UNHCR, 2022). Many human rights and civil society organizations had difficulty obtaining government recognition as NGOs. In April a Pakistani UNHCR cardholder refugee was assaulted by a group of men in Selangor State who severed his genitals. The government curbed freedom of expression, particularly freedom of the press. Laws prohibit such actions; nevertheless, authorities sometimes infringed on citizens privacy. The law permits police to arrest and detain individuals for some offenses without a warrant, even outside situations of a crime in progress or other urgent circumstances. NGOs and international organizations involved with these populations made credible allegations of overcrowding, inadequate food and clothing, lack of regular access to clean water, poor medical care, improper sanitation, and lack of bedding in the immigration detention centers. Authorities deported some of these parents, leaving their children without guardians. Health care costs is the only issue of the 15 asked on . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. A functioning and affordable healthcare system remains elusive in the United States. The law requires two-thirds of the members of a registered trade union to vote for a strike through a secret ballot, and a report must be submitted to the director general of trade unions to approve the strike as legal. In July the Federal Court upheld a 2018 criminal defamation conviction against online news portal Malaysiakini for articles and videos published in 2012 about pollution allegedly linked to Raud Australian Gold Mining and ordered Malaysiakini to pay 550,000 ringgit ($132,000) in damages and costs. Libel/Slander Laws: The law includes sections on civil and criminal defamation. The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism urged the Kelantan government to review its recently enforced law, including punishments against homosexual activities and a slew of other offenses. There were no reports of the revised code being used to prosecute LGBTQI+ individuals at years end.