Cintamani stones are have one of the highest vibration out of all the minerals on Earth. A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire. Apophyllite is an excellent crystal tool for stimulating metaphysical abilities; especially scrying and past-life work. Cintamani is believed to be a green-colored stone that fell from the skies. and only your higher I AM can answer by discernment. Picture # 4 Jesus holds a Cintamani Stone in Leanardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi. 1987. These two are notorious for their mercy, wisdom and compassion. Gemexi has a great collection of Cintamani silver jewelry. Now the other thing you can do is to purchase the stone from someone who has a very good reparation. It is also called theelixir of life, able to rejuvenateand grantimmortality. I mean, if its a meteorite? i have always picked up stones and i recently right before i realized what started happening to me re: awakening i had just been grabbing them up. One thing that I feel is important is that these stones, whether you call them saffordite, cintamani or just cute little stones, seem to operate from one's intentions for them. It was a gift from the heavens so that King Sanat Kumar and his priests could establish a perfect civilization of peace. But it is its mythical powers that are much more attractive and compelling. This jewel originally belonged to the Sun god, who wore it around his neck and gave it to one of his devoted followers. He was at one point considered the guru of Henry Wallace, vice president during the Roosevelt administration. One such stone that is often considered sacred and so rare that very few people have seen it is the Cintamani stone. He came to know, after asking about how the stone came into the hands of a therapist, that a man in Holland had sent a large amount of small black stones to therapists. A hunting event will be held for two weeks. Bibliotecapleyades Available at:, Temple, R.K.G. Moldavite too is a similar-colored stone that was formed as a result of meteoric impacts. This article provides the best information on the Cintamani stone facts, history, and has healing powers. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. We also have to wonder why there are myths and legends emanating from so many other nations and tribes about this highly prized gem. 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Roerich and his wife, Helena, werefollowers of Theosophy, a spiritual belief that a group of masters would unite all mankind. also, during meditation during one of the big activations last weeki had a vision of myself manipulated what i called fractals of rods & bars. Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? According to Buddhist legend, it fell from the stars and landed in Tibet, where the ancient Buddhists revered it as a spiritual jewel. Login . Irrespective of what people believe, the essence and magnitude of the stone cannot be diminished. This time is now. He received two more Nobel Peace Prize nominations in 1932 and 1935. The Cintamani Stone (or Chintamani Stone) is a legendary artifact of Buddhist and Hindu mythology, a "wish-fulfilling" gem of extraordinary power. Thank you for making that effort, if you feel welcome to it, its much appreciated! Who Destroyed the Great Library of Alexandria? Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors belong to the mandala of 144,000 star beings of Light who came to planet Earth many incarnations ago to assist in the liberation of this planet and the Shift of the Ages. The Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for the star, Sirius, closely resembles these three objects, being an obelisk (sword), a half circle (mirror) and a star (jewel). Only 5 kilograms are uncovered each year. not really having any purpose for doing so. Mani Stones. Thephilosophers stone is a legendaryalchemicalsubstance capable of turning metalssuch asmercuryintogoldorsilver. Is there a difference between other stores stones and the ones in the store you have give them the link to? Roerich had by then moved to India, evading back taxes in the U.S. Is it possible Roerich really was in possession of the stone? First and most important, follow your own guidance. Above are two that I have, nicknamed fetus and jupiter. In your hand, it will be black and appear rather dull. Does Cryptic Code Hidden in Beale Ciphers Reveal Secrets of the Freemasons? Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. Because it shares similarities with Moldavite, which is a tektite, it can have the same green appearance and they have the same Mohs rating. According to legend, the 13th-century scientist and philosopher Albertus Magnus , also a German Catholic Dominican bishop,is said to have discovered the philosophers stone. A dear friend and fellow Contactee named Luis Maertens from Bolivia says the main and original Cintamani Stone is an Egg-shaped stone brought here many years ago by 40 or so different Ascended Master beings representing differing Light groups from different worlds as a special tool to aid the Earth through her transition which is now in process. (Currently we do not use targeting or targeting cookies. As the Roerichs continued through Asia, they caused great political discomfort to the U.S. government. Fumio, Thankyou for sharing your detailed review. Medieval Sea Monster Was Likely a Whale, New Research Reveals, What is Shambhala? 2020. Rob - A lot of people have been researching the cintamani stone, and they are saying that it's an emerald green, so people are wondering about columbianite and moldavite. Whats the difference? Saffordites are a lovely lavender colored natural glass stone found only in one place on Earth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Chemtrails: A List of the Dangers and Deceptions of Atmospheric Spraying, How the Insurance Industry Can Help If the ATMs Stop Working, A Business Continuity Plan for producers, distributors and retailers of essential goods, Financial Reset: The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Section One: Protocols for Advising Leadership, Section Two: Advising Leadership about the Background of the Event, Section Three: Contacting Leadership to Advise, Section Four: Training to Advise Leadership, The Event Origins and Context for Leaders. OK Thus, it would be a tektite. hi my name is Victoria how can i get one or a couple of the Tachyonized Cintamani stones indont really have money for them they are expensive you can write me at [emailprotected] im very interested in the stones would like a couple if you can help me out it would be greatly appreciated sincerely Victoria parker, Moldavite is connection to Saint Grail chalice, fragments of Pleiadian star that ascended, Mr 9: Spelling mistake of website article below should read as The world or, How do you Know that the Cintamani stone is real, thats a hard question to answer Every piece will differ slightly due to natural variations in size and shape . Quantity of the stones available is limited. In exchange Ill be sure to share your site to my social media following. Because of covid, I lost my job and gathering these stones has become my main source of income and Im very good at it. For example, Saffordite hunting has been enjoyed by many people for years and yet the source where Saffordite originated from is yet to be found! They vary in size and shape, but most of the ones being distributed are less than an inch across. One is its physical attribute, and the other is its healing attributes. RM169.00 MYR. With so many facets to this incredible stone, perhaps theKing of the Worldand hisCintamani Stonewill make their presence known universally to all. The hymn they have for the stone, called Dharani, will retain Buddhas wisdom, truth and message. Top image: Moldavite, green vitreous silica rock found in South Bohemia Source: KPixMining/ Adobe Stock, Gaia Staff. It also appears in stories as a water-purifying crystal which could be placed in murky water by traveling monks . $ 5.00. In Mahayana Buddhism lore,the Cintamaniis held by those who are on the path towardsBuddhahood andBuddhist monks. Moldavite is considered by some to enhance psychic and healing energies. A very protective stone. The Japanese goddess Kisshtenholding the wish-fulfilling gem ( Public Domain ). For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. At present, its characteristics have been confirmed through many methods. In Japan, thegoddess Kisshten is commonly depicted holding theNyoihju gemwhich is said to grant any wish. I found them cheaper in other stores, I dont mean to be rude Im just trying to get the most I can for my money to bury more. Ive been thinking of some topics that your readers would get a ton of value from: How to Get Secure Online and Regain Your Privacy Cintamani is believed to be a green-colored stone that fell from the skies. Unfortunately people do not understand their negativity. We are happy to assist you again..:), No one knows for sure where they can find the Cintamani stone. The person replied a while after and asked for a price change in which I agreed. I know they are expensive, but we will give as much discount as we can without making ourselves go hungry. . And why is the cintamani stone. It is believed to be a magical stone capable of bringing life-altering changes. They also adopted the Banner of Peace. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. The Cintamani is the sacred stone of the Brotherhood of the Star, the last true vestige of the mysterious schools of Light of Atlantis. also, maybe i can help a little with getting ppl like me that dont have disposable crystal money to spare? Heinna, Thankyou for shopping with us. TheMani Jewelsrefer to various gems mentioned inBuddhistliterature as either actual mythicalrelics, or as metaphors for Buddhist philosophy. The Cintamani Gemstone. Look for places that need Light, and/or places where you feel or see strong energies, geological or ecological manifestations, etc. But, others have seen it as a type of obsidian. Cookies In Hinduism, Cintamani is closely associated with the God Vishnu ad Ganesha. Old Tibetan prophecy says that there will come a time when the King of the World will emerge with his army from his subterranean realms to defeat the forces of darkness and usher the coming of the Golden age. Christ Surrounded by Musician Angels by Hans Memling, 1480s ( Public Domain ). . Yet there are those who classify it as a type of obsidian. Thus, I saw the world somewhat as the flat-worlders would . Spanish conquistadors couldn't believe their eyes while exploring the rugged terrain of the Andes during their invasion of Peru. Saffordite/Cintamani stone! I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, For Sale In Britain: A Small Ancient Man With A Colossal Penis, Sacred Marvels: 17 Cathedrals That Will Take Your Breath Away, In Pictures, Egyptologists Reveal a Lost Chamber in the Great Pyramid With Cosmic Rays, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World. I got mine at a site called The stones are glass-like fragments of a meteor that impacted on earth while in a molten condition, causing it to form small glass stones with highly pitted surfaces. The stone is so rare that throughout history and mythology, only a handful of people have been known to possess it. Their palaces are made from this material and they use it to pass through here with disastrous consequences for the owner of the stone. I also want to ask. The fact that references to Cintamani can be found in both Hindu and Buddhist literature points towards the fact that it is a gemstone that has been highly valued and respected. Tachyon particles can perfectly adjust all the energy fields generated by gravity, electromagnetic force, and weak nuclear force. Decide which cookies you want to allow.You can change these settings at any time. Benjamin Fulford Report: China calls for end of World War III El Salvador, Former Murder Capital of The World, Claims ZERO Murders Cobra recommends that the Cintamani Stone should be a single stone of bare minimum 2-3gr, or above 3gr to create a proper activation. It happened during a Galactic superwave when a planet that was orbiting Sirius A exploded and flew in all directions. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. We really appreciate the time you took to share your kind words! The facts and figures of this stone are very interesting! (Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!). It is believed that the Emperor was chosen by god and given these three treasures to ensure his success as ruler. Since there wasnt any understanding of meteors in ancient times, meteoric impacts were probably viewed as mystical events. This, of course, comes from their origin. Know now your Higher I AM will test you there is no such thing as coincidence. At such depressing times, you need something that helps you get back on track and makes life pleasant and fulfilling. Users can hunt monsters and collect. How do you measure the vibration of your stones, can you explain that so that its not only your subjective experience? Tachyonized stones will make stronger activations and are much more recommended. It has the highest healing vibration frequency and is closest to the sourceAnd with the energy of the source, it can effectively reduce the entropy contentDisorder in a system, that is, calculating the degree of chaos in the systemReduce the chaos of our energy field and bring peace and harmony frequency to our energy field. But Moldavite isnt as smooth and is always dark green.